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Faculty Development Leave Program

Faculty Development Leave Program

The mission of the Faculty Development Leave Program is to provide tenured and tenure-track faculty members with opportunities to pursue activities that would enhance both their individual careers and their contributions to the broader mission of Loyola University Chicago.

The Faculty Development Review Committee will be using Interfolio Review, Promotion, and Tenure to review the applications for the Faculty Development Leave Program.

There are three categories of faculty leaves: paid leaves, subventions, and unpaid leaves.

Paid Leaves

Paid faculty development leaves may be granted for one of two different purposes:

  1. Research/creative activity - This category includes basic research projects resulting in books or articles, creative artistic work (exhibits, works of art, performances, music or poetry compositions or the like) or any product which materially and significantly enhances one's field of professional expertise. It can include the generation of research results and artistic endeavor and/or the analysis and presentation of such results or endeavors.
  2. Faculty professional development - This category includes leaves that would allow faculty to develop additional expertise related to future career plans at Loyola and/or improving particular programs currently offered at or planned for Loyola.

A paid faculty development leave may either be a single semester at full pay or an entire academic year at half-pay. The proposal for a paid faculty development leave will make clear what the applicant expects to accomplish during the term of the award.

The Faculty Development Review Committee (FDRC) reviews paid leave applications and makes recommendations to the Provost regarding their funding as resources are available. The FDRC is an elected committee within the University Shared Governance system.

Questions about applications for paid leaves should be directed to the department chair. Additional help is available from The Office of Faculty Administration.


Faculty members are encouraged to apply for fellowships and personal development grants offered by foundations and federal agencies, irrespective of whether a faculty member may previously have taken a Paid Leave. Faculty who are seeking these grants should apply for a salary subvention in the event that they are awarded the fellowship or personal development grant from the outside agency. It is the policy of Academic Affairs to make every effort to provide subvention sufficient to "make whole" the faculty member's salary.

Unpaid Leaves

Unpaid leaves may be granted by the Provost or the Vice President of Health Sciences at any time in consultation with the department/unit and college/school. Requests for unpaid leaves may be made at any time. Such requests are made to the Provost or Vice President of Health Sciences, routed by way of the applicant’s chair and dean, who will each provide a recommendation.


June 1: Deadline for College/School Deans to send list of faculty applicants to Faculty Affairs for cases to be opened in InterfolioRPT
Second Friday in September: Deans' letters due to the FDRC 
Please consult with your Academic Unit regarding internal College/School deadlines.

Faculty Development Leave Program

The mission of the Faculty Development Leave Program is to provide tenured and tenure-track faculty members with opportunities to pursue activities that would enhance both their individual careers and their contributions to the broader mission of Loyola University Chicago.

The Faculty Development Review Committee will be using Interfolio Review, Promotion, and Tenure to review the applications for the Faculty Development Leave Program.

There are three categories of faculty leaves: paid leaves, subventions, and unpaid leaves.


June 1: Deadline for College/School Deans to send list of faculty applicants to Faculty Affairs for cases to be opened in InterfolioRPT
Second Friday in September: Deans' letters due to the FDRC 
Please consult with your Academic Unit regarding internal College/School deadlines.