Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Division of Academic Affairs Office of the Provost

Faculty Orientation


On behalf of Loyola University Chicago, the Office of Faculty Affairs congratulates you on your recent appointment. We are delighted that you have chosen to join our faculty.

We are confident that you will find the spirit of cura personalis embodied within your department and in the broader LUC community. While we wish that you had the opportunity to meet your new colleagues in person, we hope that you find our virtual orientation informative and engaging.

The New Faculty Orientation will familiarize you with the mission, values, and resources offered by the University to support your work and promote your long-term success. We have collected a series of presentations from units across campus to talk about the distinctive characteristics of Loyola including faculty development resources and programs, LUC’s recent Anti-Racism Initiative, and much more! If you need follow-up information, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our presenters. You’ll find a helpful and collegial network of faculty, staff and administrators who are eager to assist as you transition into your new position.

During the coming fall and spring semesters, we will offer additional opportunities for you to network and collaborate with other faculty across the University.

We hope that you find your first year at Loyola a warm and welcoming one. We are excited that you are now part of the LUC community and we look forward to seeing you soon – and working closely with you in the years to come!

Faculty Wellness Resources

Online Resources

To access Perspectives online, please go to www.perspectivesltd.com

Username: LOY500
Password: perspectives

Appointments by Phone

To schedule an individual appointment with one of Perspectives' licensed professionals, call 800.456.6327.
Perspectives schedules appointments weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and has 24-hour/7-day-a-week emergency services.

Faculty Orientation

Please visit Resources for New Faculty Orientation for further information. 


On behalf of Loyola University Chicago, the Office of Faculty Affairs congratulates you on your recent appointment. We are delighted that you have chosen to join our faculty.

We are confident that you will find the spirit of cura personalis embodied within your department and in the broader LUC community. While we wish that you had the opportunity to meet your new colleagues in person, we hope that you find our virtual orientation informative and engaging.

The New Faculty Orientation will familiarize you with the mission, values, and resources offered by the University to support your work and promote your long-term success. We have collected a series of presentations from units across campus to talk about the distinctive characteristics of Loyola including faculty development resources and programs, LUC’s recent Anti-Racism Initiative, and much more! If you need follow-up information, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our presenters. You’ll find a helpful and collegial network of faculty, staff and administrators who are eager to assist as you transition into your new position.

During the coming fall and spring semesters, we will offer additional opportunities for you to network and collaborate with other faculty across the University.

We hope that you find your first year at Loyola a warm and welcoming one. We are excited that you are now part of the LUC community and we look forward to seeing you soon – and working closely with you in the years to come!