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University Rank and Tenure Committee

CHARGE and COMPOSITION of the University Rank and Tenure Committee (URTC)

After the appropriate review by the school or college rank and tenure committee and the dean, the University Rank and Tenure Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the Senior Academic Officers on individual petitions for tenure and promotion. URTC also reviews candidates for Endowed Chairs and Professorships. This committee is also responsible for reviewing any proposed changes in tenure and promotion guidelines by individual departments, schools, or colleges. Please click here for the URTC Guidelines.

The University Rank and Tenure Committee shall be composed of full time tenured full professors elected from and by the tenured and tenure track faculty of each of the following eleven groups:

  • The faculty of the Quinlan School of Business
  • The faculty of the School of Education
  • The faculty of the School of Law
  • The faculty of the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
  • The faculty of the School of Communication
  • The faculty of the School of Social Work and the Institute of Pastoral Studies
  • The humanities and arts faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • The social and behavioral sciences faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • The natural sciences and mathematics faculty of the College of A&S
  • The clinical faculty of the Stritch School of Medicine
  • The basic science faculty of the Stritch School of Medicine

ELECTION of the University Rank and Tenure Committee

For the purposes of voting on the membership of these committees, every full time member of the University faculty not in one of the groups listed above but who is otherwise eligible to vote for members of a given committee shall be assigned to an appropriate grouping. Terms of elected membership shall be three years, with approximately two-thirds of the members continuing each year and one-third completing their terms. Terms of at-large members (if any) shall be for one year. Elections will be conducted at the beginning of each Academic Year by the two Senior Academic Officers (for Lakeside Campuses and Health Sciences).
In order to assure the diversity and gender equity of the committees the Senior Academic Officers may jointly appoint up to two additional qualified faculty members as voting members-at-large to each of these committees.


  1. The initial meeting of each committee for the year will be convened jointly by the two Senior Academic Officers. At that meeting questions of procedures and processes shall be reviewed. At or before that meeting the Senior Academic Officers will announce their appointment of one of the elected members of each committee to serve as the chair of that committee for the year. Although serving as Chair, this person shall continue to have full rights of voice and vote in all committee deliberations. All deliberations of these committees shall be confidential.
  2. All voting members of a committee who are present when a vote is taken must vote positive or negatively on the matter at hand; abstentions shall not be permitted. Members from the departmental affinity group of a person whose case is being considered may neither discuss nor vote on that case. (Their vote, if any, shall have been made at the first review level at which they had the right to participate, typically that is at the departmental or affinity group level.) Members who are recused from the committee's deliberations for any reason are not replaced. This may happen if the member is a candidate for something the committee is considering, e.g. the member is a candidate for promotion and the URTC is reviewing those petitions.
  3. In making their recommendations on specific cases the committees will report the vote of the members and will provide a brief summary of the reasons or considerations that were deemed decisive.
  4. The files of all candidates who are members of the graduate faculty or who are persons whom the Chair or School Dean wish to petition to become members of the graduate faculty are reviewed by the Graduate Dean, who forwards his/her recommendation to the University R&T Committee. In cases where the candidate does not fall under the authority of a school or college, the Graduate Dean will appoint an ad-hoc committee to review the candidate's application and forward its recommendation to the University R&T Committee.


  1. In addition to reviewing and recommending on the merits of each candidate's petition, the University R&T Committee shall inquire into and report to the Senior Academic Officers on any significant procedural or technical problems as may come to its attention with regard to handling of any candidate's case at any lower level of review.
  2. The guidelines and standards of significance for the University Rank and Tenure Committee are those published in the Faculty Handbook (2009).


September 15: All candidates for tenure and for promotion must have their complete petition and files to their department Chairs or their Deans (in schools without Departments).

December 1: Dean of School/College forwards full file, in electronic format, to the Office of Faculty Administration, for delivery to the University Rank and Tenure Committee. The file must contain recommendations from the departmental R&T committee (if applicable) and school level R&T committee, as well as the personal recommendations of the departmental chair (if applicable), the dean of the home school or college and the dean of the graduate school. In cases where the candidate does not fall under the authority of a school or college, the Graduate Dean will appoint an ad-hoc committee to review the candidate's application and forward its recommendation to the University R&T Committee.

February 15: University Rank and Tenure Committee adds its recommendation and delivers the files to the respective Senior Academic Officers

March 15: Decisions are communicated to candidates.

Rank and Tenure Committee Membership Roster

Jeannine Bell

School of Law

Class of AY 2026-2027

Martin Berg

CAS – Natural Sciences

Class of AY 2026-2027

Hank Bohanon

School of Education

Class of AY 2026-2027

Gopal Gupta

Stritch School of Medicine - Medicine

Class of AY 2024-2025

Michael Hewitt (Chair)

Quinlan School of Business

Class of AY 2026-2027

Grayson Holmbeck

CAS - Social & Behavioral Sciences

Class of AY 2025-2026

Holly Mattix-Kramer

Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health

Class of AY 2026-2027

Michelle Nickerson

CAS – Arts & Humanities

 Class of AY 2026-2027

John Orwat

School of Social Work and Institute of Pastoral Studies

Class of AY 2024-2025

Clodia Osipo

Stritch School of Medicine – Basic Science

Class of AY 2026-2027


CHARGE and COMPOSITION of the University Rank and Tenure Committee (URTC)

After the appropriate review by the school or college rank and tenure committee and the dean, the University Rank and Tenure Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to the Senior Academic Officers on individual petitions for tenure and promotion. URTC also reviews candidates for Endowed Chairs and Professorships. This committee is also responsible for reviewing any proposed changes in tenure and promotion guidelines by individual departments, schools, or colleges. Please click here for the URTC Guidelines.

The University Rank and Tenure Committee shall be composed of full time tenured full professors elected from and by the tenured and tenure track faculty of each of the following eleven groups:

  • The faculty of the Quinlan School of Business
  • The faculty of the School of Education
  • The faculty of the School of Law
  • The faculty of the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing
  • The faculty of the School of Communication
  • The faculty of the School of Social Work and the Institute of Pastoral Studies
  • The humanities and arts faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • The social and behavioral sciences faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
  • The natural sciences and mathematics faculty of the College of A&S
  • The clinical faculty of the Stritch School of Medicine
  • The basic science faculty of the Stritch School of Medicine

ELECTION of the University Rank and Tenure Committee

For the purposes of voting on the membership of these committees, every full time member of the University faculty not in one of the groups listed above but who is otherwise eligible to vote for members of a given committee shall be assigned to an appropriate grouping. Terms of elected membership shall be three years, with approximately two-thirds of the members continuing each year and one-third completing their terms. Terms of at-large members (if any) shall be for one year. Elections will be conducted at the beginning of each Academic Year by the two Senior Academic Officers (for Lakeside Campuses and Health Sciences).
In order to assure the diversity and gender equity of the committees the Senior Academic Officers may jointly appoint up to two additional qualified faculty members as voting members-at-large to each of these committees.


  1. The initial meeting of each committee for the year will be convened jointly by the two Senior Academic Officers. At that meeting questions of procedures and processes shall be reviewed. At or before that meeting the Senior Academic Officers will announce their appointment of one of the elected members of each committee to serve as the chair of that committee for the year. Although serving as Chair, this person shall continue to have full rights of voice and vote in all committee deliberations. All deliberations of these committees shall be confidential.
  2. All voting members of a committee who are present when a vote is taken must vote positive or negatively on the matter at hand; abstentions shall not be permitted. Members from the departmental affinity group of a person whose case is being considered may neither discuss nor vote on that case. (Their vote, if any, shall have been made at the first review level at which they had the right to participate, typically that is at the departmental or affinity group level.) Members who are recused from the committee's deliberations for any reason are not replaced. This may happen if the member is a candidate for something the committee is considering, e.g. the member is a candidate for promotion and the URTC is reviewing those petitions.
  3. In making their recommendations on specific cases the committees will report the vote of the members and will provide a brief summary of the reasons or considerations that were deemed decisive.
  4. The files of all candidates who are members of the graduate faculty or who are persons whom the Chair or School Dean wish to petition to become members of the graduate faculty are reviewed by the Graduate Dean, who forwards his/her recommendation to the University R&T Committee. In cases where the candidate does not fall under the authority of a school or college, the Graduate Dean will appoint an ad-hoc committee to review the candidate's application and forward its recommendation to the University R&T Committee.


  1. In addition to reviewing and recommending on the merits of each candidate's petition, the University R&T Committee shall inquire into and report to the Senior Academic Officers on any significant procedural or technical problems as may come to its attention with regard to handling of any candidate's case at any lower level of review.
  2. The guidelines and standards of significance for the University Rank and Tenure Committee are those published in the Faculty Handbook (2009).


September 15: All candidates for tenure and for promotion must have their complete petition and files to their department Chairs or their Deans (in schools without Departments).

December 1: Dean of School/College forwards full file, in electronic format, to the Office of Faculty Administration, for delivery to the University Rank and Tenure Committee. The file must contain recommendations from the departmental R&T committee (if applicable) and school level R&T committee, as well as the personal recommendations of the departmental chair (if applicable), the dean of the home school or college and the dean of the graduate school. In cases where the candidate does not fall under the authority of a school or college, the Graduate Dean will appoint an ad-hoc committee to review the candidate's application and forward its recommendation to the University R&T Committee.

February 15: University Rank and Tenure Committee adds its recommendation and delivers the files to the respective Senior Academic Officers

March 15: Decisions are communicated to candidates.

Rank and Tenure Committee Membership Roster

Jeannine Bell

School of Law

Class of AY 2026-2027

Martin Berg

CAS – Natural Sciences

Class of AY 2026-2027

Hank Bohanon

School of Education

Class of AY 2026-2027

Gopal Gupta

Stritch School of Medicine - Medicine

Class of AY 2024-2025

Michael Hewitt (Chair)

Quinlan School of Business

Class of AY 2026-2027

Grayson Holmbeck

CAS - Social & Behavioral Sciences

Class of AY 2025-2026

Holly Mattix-Kramer

Parkinson School of Health Sciences and Public Health

Class of AY 2026-2027

Michelle Nickerson

CAS – Arts & Humanities

 Class of AY 2026-2027

John Orwat

School of Social Work and Institute of Pastoral Studies

Class of AY 2024-2025

Clodia Osipo

Stritch School of Medicine – Basic Science

Class of AY 2026-2027