Loyola Anthropologists at AAA 2018
Drs. Adams, Gomberg-Muñoz, and Strand participated in research and discussion panels at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in San Jose, CA, in November.
Kathleen Adams presented a paper titled “Authoritative Aspirations, Emotional Considerations: From Toraja Grave Displays to Locally-Run, Locally-Configured Museums” as part of a panel on “Voices out of the Dark? Contemporary Museum-like Practices and Culturalized Politics,” organized by Paula Mota Santos and Hugo de Block.
Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz chaired two roundtable panels, an executive session on “Anthropologists Adapting to Anti-Immigrant Climates: Resistance and Resilience on Campuses and in Communities” and an invited session on “Recentering Ethnography, Decentering American Anthropology.” She also served as discussant for a research panel on “Dignity and Conviviality: Debating Being and Belonging Across Lines of Difference.” And, as president of the Society for the Anthropology of North America, Dr. Gomberg-Muñoz presided over the SANA board meeting and business meeting.
Thea Strand presented a paper titled “Curating the Countryside: Transformations of Landscape and Language in Rural Norway” as part of an organized research panel on “Curating Value.”