Faculty/Staff Directory
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Abdul-Rahim, Omar | Lecturer | Quinlan 421A | 773.508.3652 oabdulrahim@luc.edu |
Beatty, Christine | Genetics Lab Coordinator, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 440 | 773.508.3675 cbeatty@luc.edu |
Berg, Martin | Professor | Quinlan 429 | 773.508.8853 mberg@luc.edu |
Breslin, Fr. Peter | Clinical Associate Professor | Quinlan 442 | 773.508.3716 pbresli@luc.edu |
Buldak, Gerald | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 443 | 773.508.3717 gbuldak@luc.edu |
Burns, Michael | Associate Professor | Quinlan 424 | 773.508.3637 mburns16@luc.edu |
Cavanaugh, Dan | Associate Professor | Quinlan 229 | 773.508.8935 dcavanaugh1@luc.edu |
Chen, Yanan | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 326 | 773.508.7463 ychen55@luc.edu |
Cheverud, James | Professor | Quinlan 422 | 773.508.2161 jcheverud@luc.edu |
Crum, Tanya | Lecturer | Quinlan 341 | 773.508.3286 tcrum1@luc.edu |
Cunha, Tauana | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 224 | 773.508.7097 tcunha@luc.edu |
Dale, Rodney | Associate Professor | Quinlan 222 | 773.508.3606 rdale1@luc.edu |
Delgado, Jary | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 225 | 773.508.3640 jdelgadonunez@luc.edu |
de Nesnera, Kristin | Lecturer | Quinlan 329 | 773.508.3207 kdenesnera@luc.edu |
Diggs, Alfred | Lecturer | Quinlan 123 | 773.508.3343 adiggs1@luc.edu |
Dimitropoulos, Holly | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 426 | 773.508.3718 hdimitropoulos@luc.edu |
Feeney, Emma | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 432 | 773.508.7544 enielse@luc.edu |
Franks, Dawn | MAMS Graduate Program Director, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 340 | 773.508.3721 dfranks@luc.edu |
Grande, Terry | MS Graduate Program Director, Professor | Quinlan 327 | 773.508.3649 tgrande@luc.edu |
Grillo, Michael | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 325 | 773.508.3628 mgrillo1@luc.edu |
Hayes, Erin | Lecturer | Quinlan 431 | 773.508.3689 ehayes2@luc.edu |
Helfgott, D. Megan | General Biology Lab Director, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 331 | 773.508.8357 dhelfgott@luc.edu |
Hoellein, Timothy | Professor | Quinlan 430 | 773.508.8859 thoellein@luc.edu |
Kanzok, Stefan | Bioinformatics Program Director, Associate Professor | Quinlan 427 | 773.508.3790 skanzok@luc.edu |
Kelly, John | Department Chair, Professor | Quinlan 317D | 773.508.3681 jkelly7@luc.edu |
Krentzel, Dallas | Lecturer | Quinlan 421C | 773.508.3735 dkrentzel@luc.edu |
Kula, Alex | Instructor | Quinlan 341 | 773.508.3286 akula@luc.edu |
Lodolce, James | Undergraduate Program Director, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 441 | 773.508.7542 jlodolce@luc.edu |
Logan, Stephen | Lecturer | Quinlan 241 | 773.508.3627 slogan1@luc.edu |
Mierisch, Jennifer | Associate Professor | Quinlan 231 | 773.508.2337 jmierisch@luc.edu |
Milanovich, Joseph | Associate Professor | Quinlan 423 | 773.508.3635 jmilanovich@luc.edu |
Milton, Angenee | Lecturer | Quinlan 421B | 773.508.8477 amilton3@luc.edu |
Osenkowski, Pamela | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 119 | 773.508.3688 posenkowski@luc.edu |
Palka-Hamblin, Helena | Cell Biology Lab Coordinator, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 328 | 773.508.8941 hpalkahamblin@luc.edu |
Pickett, Bryan | Assistant Department Chair, Associate Professor | Quinlan 246 | 773.508.3367 fpicket@luc.edu |
Price, Shauna | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 243 | 773.508.6092 sprice6@luc.edu |
Putonti, Catherine | Professor | Quinlan 425 | 773.508.3277 cputonti@luc.edu |
Ritzert, Jeremy | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 240 | 773.508.3621 jritzert@luc.edu |
Rochlin, William | Associate Professor | Quinlan 223 | 773.508.2450 wrochli@luc.edu |
Sanger, Thomas | Associate Professor | Quinlan 428 | 773.508.3631 tsanger@luc.edu |
Sines, Bree | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 230 | 773.508.3699 bsurges@luc.edu |
Staley, Molly | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 242 |
mstaley1@luc.edu |
Stuart, Yoel | Associate Professor | Quinlan 323 |
Turner, Caroline | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 227 |
Wheeler, Heather | Bioinformatics Graduate Program Director, Associate Professor | Quinlan 324 | 773-508-3629 hwheeler1@luc.edu |
Whitney, Megan | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 322 | 773.508.8477 mwhitney@luc.edu |
Ye, Hui | Professor | Quinlan 330 | 773.508.2720 hye1@luc.edu |
Yu, Wei-Ming | Associate Professor | Quinlan 226 | 773.508.3325 wyu1@luc.edu |
Zitzner, Jennifer | Human Structure & Function Lab Coordinator, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 228 | 773.508.3653 jzitzner@luc.edu |
Department Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Berkowitz, Sarah | MAMS Academic Advisor |
Quinlan 342 | 773.508.3624 sberkowitz@luc.edu |
Castrejon, Cas | Office Assistant | Quinlan 317 | 773.508.3620 ccastrejon2@luc.edu |
Czesny, Beata | Lab Coordinator | Quinlan 346 | 773.508.3633 bczesny@luc.edu |
Lorenzo, Virginia | Office Manager | Quinlan 317C | 773.508.3623 vlorenzo@luc.edu |
Schluep, Joseph | EM Technician | Quinlan 057 | 773.508.8704 jschlue@luc.edu |
Research Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Hoshino, Natalia | Yu lab | Quinlan 215 | 773.508.8179 nhoshin@luc.edu |
Martin, Paula | Picket Lab | Quinlan 220 | 773.508.3668 pmarti@luc.edu |
ACF Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
McGeehan, Eliazbeth | ACF | Quinlan 017 | 773.508.2833 emcgeehan@luc.edu |
Robinson, James | ACF Manager | Quinlan 017 | 773.508.2776 jrobinson7@luc.edu |
Siko, Anthony | Director of ACF | 773.508.3783 asiko@luc.edu |
Postdoctoral Fellows
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Cerasoni, Jacopo | Postdoc | Quinlan 320 | 773.508.3625 jcerasoni@luc.edu |
Emeritus Faculty
Name | |
Castignetti, Domenic
dcastig@luc.edu |
Doering, Jeffrey | jdoerin@luc.edu |
Jones, Warren | wjones1@luc.edu |
Lammers-Campbell, Roberta | rlammers@luc.edu |
Laten, Howard | hlaten@luc.edu |
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Abdul-Rahim, Omar | Lecturer | Quinlan 421A | 773.508.3652 oabdulrahim@luc.edu |
Beatty, Christine | Genetics Lab Coordinator, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 440 | 773.508.3675 cbeatty@luc.edu |
Berg, Martin | Professor | Quinlan 429 | 773.508.8853 mberg@luc.edu |
Breslin, Fr. Peter | Clinical Associate Professor | Quinlan 442 | 773.508.3716 pbresli@luc.edu |
Buldak, Gerald | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 443 | 773.508.3717 gbuldak@luc.edu |
Burns, Michael | Associate Professor | Quinlan 424 | 773.508.3637 mburns16@luc.edu |
Cavanaugh, Dan | Associate Professor | Quinlan 229 | 773.508.8935 dcavanaugh1@luc.edu |
Chen, Yanan | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 326 | 773.508.7463 ychen55@luc.edu |
Cheverud, James | Professor | Quinlan 422 | 773.508.2161 jcheverud@luc.edu |
Crum, Tanya | Lecturer | Quinlan 341 | 773.508.3286 tcrum1@luc.edu |
Cunha, Tauana | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 224 | 773.508.7097 tcunha@luc.edu |
Dale, Rodney | Associate Professor | Quinlan 222 | 773.508.3606 rdale1@luc.edu |
Delgado, Jary | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 225 | 773.508.3640 jdelgadonunez@luc.edu |
de Nesnera, Kristin | Lecturer | Quinlan 329 | 773.508.3207 kdenesnera@luc.edu |
Diggs, Alfred | Lecturer | Quinlan 123 | 773.508.3343 adiggs1@luc.edu |
Dimitropoulos, Holly | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 426 | 773.508.3718 hdimitropoulos@luc.edu |
Feeney, Emma | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 432 | 773.508.7544 enielse@luc.edu |
Franks, Dawn | MAMS Graduate Program Director, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 340 | 773.508.3721 dfranks@luc.edu |
Grande, Terry | MS Graduate Program Director, Professor | Quinlan 327 | 773.508.3649 tgrande@luc.edu |
Grillo, Michael | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 325 | 773.508.3628 mgrillo1@luc.edu |
Hayes, Erin | Lecturer | Quinlan 431 | 773.508.3689 ehayes2@luc.edu |
Helfgott, D. Megan | General Biology Lab Director, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 331 | 773.508.8357 dhelfgott@luc.edu |
Hoellein, Timothy | Professor | Quinlan 430 | 773.508.8859 thoellein@luc.edu |
Kanzok, Stefan | Bioinformatics Program Director, Associate Professor | Quinlan 427 | 773.508.3790 skanzok@luc.edu |
Kelly, John | Department Chair, Professor | Quinlan 317D | 773.508.3681 jkelly7@luc.edu |
Krentzel, Dallas | Lecturer | Quinlan 421C | 773.508.3735 dkrentzel@luc.edu |
Kula, Alex | Instructor | Quinlan 341 | 773.508.3286 akula@luc.edu |
Lodolce, James | Undergraduate Program Director, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 441 | 773.508.7542 jlodolce@luc.edu |
Logan, Stephen | Lecturer | Quinlan 241 | 773.508.3627 slogan1@luc.edu |
Mierisch, Jennifer | Associate Professor | Quinlan 231 | 773.508.2337 jmierisch@luc.edu |
Milanovich, Joseph | Associate Professor | Quinlan 423 | 773.508.3635 jmilanovich@luc.edu |
Milton, Angenee | Lecturer | Quinlan 421B | 773.508.8477 amilton3@luc.edu |
Osenkowski, Pamela | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 119 | 773.508.3688 posenkowski@luc.edu |
Palka-Hamblin, Helena | Cell Biology Lab Coordinator, Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 328 | 773.508.8941 hpalkahamblin@luc.edu |
Pickett, Bryan | Assistant Department Chair, Associate Professor | Quinlan 246 | 773.508.3367 fpicket@luc.edu |
Price, Shauna | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 243 | 773.508.6092 sprice6@luc.edu |
Putonti, Catherine | Professor | Quinlan 425 | 773.508.3277 cputonti@luc.edu |
Ritzert, Jeremy | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 240 | 773.508.3621 jritzert@luc.edu |
Rochlin, William | Associate Professor | Quinlan 223 | 773.508.2450 wrochli@luc.edu |
Sanger, Thomas | Associate Professor | Quinlan 428 | 773.508.3631 tsanger@luc.edu |
Sines, Bree | Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 230 | 773.508.3699 bsurges@luc.edu |
Staley, Molly | Advanced Lecturer | Quinlan 242 |
mstaley1@luc.edu |
Stuart, Yoel | Associate Professor | Quinlan 323 |
Turner, Caroline | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 227 |
Wheeler, Heather | Bioinformatics Graduate Program Director, Associate Professor | Quinlan 324 | 773-508-3629 hwheeler1@luc.edu |
Whitney, Megan | Assistant Professor | Quinlan 322 | 773.508.8477 mwhitney@luc.edu |
Ye, Hui | Professor | Quinlan 330 | 773.508.2720 hye1@luc.edu |
Yu, Wei-Ming | Associate Professor | Quinlan 226 | 773.508.3325 wyu1@luc.edu |
Zitzner, Jennifer | Human Structure & Function Lab Coordinator, Senior Lecturer | Quinlan 228 | 773.508.3653 jzitzner@luc.edu |
Department Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Berkowitz, Sarah | MAMS Academic Advisor |
Quinlan 342 | 773.508.3624 sberkowitz@luc.edu |
Castrejon, Cas | Office Assistant | Quinlan 317 | 773.508.3620 ccastrejon2@luc.edu |
Czesny, Beata | Lab Coordinator | Quinlan 346 | 773.508.3633 bczesny@luc.edu |
Lorenzo, Virginia | Office Manager | Quinlan 317C | 773.508.3623 vlorenzo@luc.edu |
Schluep, Joseph | EM Technician | Quinlan 057 | 773.508.8704 jschlue@luc.edu |
Research Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Hoshino, Natalia | Yu lab | Quinlan 215 | 773.508.8179 nhoshin@luc.edu |
Martin, Paula | Picket Lab | Quinlan 220 | 773.508.3668 pmarti@luc.edu |
ACF Staff
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
McGeehan, Eliazbeth | ACF | Quinlan 017 | 773.508.2833 emcgeehan@luc.edu |
Robinson, James | ACF Manager | Quinlan 017 | 773.508.2776 jrobinson7@luc.edu |
Siko, Anthony | Director of ACF | 773.508.3783 asiko@luc.edu |
Postdoctoral Fellows
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Cerasoni, Jacopo | Postdoc | Quinlan 320 | 773.508.3625 jcerasoni@luc.edu |
Emeritus Faculty
Name | |
Castignetti, Domenic
dcastig@luc.edu |
Doering, Jeffrey | jdoerin@luc.edu |
Jones, Warren | wjones1@luc.edu |
Lammers-Campbell, Roberta | rlammers@luc.edu |
Laten, Howard | hlaten@luc.edu |