
Outcomes and Policies

Upon completion of their degree, Loyola students enter diverse professional pathways reflective of our 13 Colleges, Schools and Institutes, 80+ undergraduate majors, and 200+ graduate, professional and certificate programs.  

View our Undergraduate Career Outcomes

For more information, please visit the Office of Institutional Effectiveness 


Non-Discrimination Statement

Loyola University Chicago is an equal opportunity employer and educator. Each candidate shall be considered on the basis of qualifications, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, or veteran status. All recruiters must comply with the nondiscrimination requirements of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) standards, and State of Illinois employment laws. 


Right of Refusal

Loyola University Chicago reserves the right to terminate or refuse the participation of any organization in our recruiting activities, Handshake platform, or website links. Reasons may include misrepresentation by providing dishonest information or absence of information, complaints by students/alumni, or evidence of practices of discrimination or racism in the workplace. In addition, the Career Services staff reserve the right to remove organizations or job postings that are not a good fit with the Jesuit mission and/or provide any risk to a student's personal or financial well-being. 

Professional Conduct

Loyola Career Services requires that recruiting organizations adhere to and refer to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services Employment Professionals. 


Offer Guidelines and Expectations

The decision to accept an offer of employment is an important process that requires thoughtful consideration. We therefore ask that employers give students a reasonable amount of time to fully evaluate offers of employment; communicate offer deadlines in a timely manner; and extend flexibility on sincere and appropriate requests for extensions.  

In turn, we counsel students on the importance of honoring formal commitments of employment. In the strongest possible terms, Loyola Career Services discourages students from reneging on a job or internship offer or continuing to seek employment after an offer has been accepted.  

Posting and Recruiting Guidelines

The following are guidelines for all organizations recruiting Loyola students (on and off-campus) and posting opportunities and events on Loyola’s career management platform.   


Compensation details must clearly state if position is 100% commission; base salary if it is partially commission-based, or be clear how the participant will be compensated 

“Blind” and Third-Party Postings 

Third-Parties wishing to post in Handshake on behalf of another entity must disclose the name of the organization and the open position. “Blind postings” are not accepted. Third-Parties may not solicit applications for other non-disclosed opportunities.  

Contact information 

Employers must use valid contact information, including an organizational email account when registering for a Handshake account. Use of a personal email (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) may cause a delay or rejection.  

Franchise, Independent Contractor, Multi-Level Marketing 

Employers may not post job or internship opportunities that require students to purchase or rent any type of presentation or sales material/supplies, or pay a fee for training or placement. We will not accept any positions that would require fines or fees for early termination of an employment contract. 

A multi-level plan type organization must ensure than any representations about compensation are clearly stated, including different levels of earnings or compensation received by participants, amount earned by a typical entry-level participant, and time/effort required to reach specific levels of income.  

Political Activities 

Loyola University Chicago facilities and resources may not be used by or on behalf of an outside organization or individual whose purpose is to further the cause of a particular candidate or political party. Career Services will not reserve information tables or arrange information sessions or other events for political campaign organizations. 

Such organizations: 

  • May attend career fairs recruiting interns, employees or volunteers, but no campaign activity may be conducted and no campaign literature may be included on their table
  • May post positions in Handshake to recruit interns, employees or volunteers, but no campaign activity may be included in the posting.
  • May not staff information tables in campus buildings.
  • May not host on-campus "information sessions." 

Pre-Employment Testing 

Any pre-employment tests administered on campus must meet our Non-Discrimination Policies (above). 

Right of Refusal

Loyola University Chicago reserves the right to terminate or refuse the participation of any organization in our recruiting activities, Handshake system, or website links. Reasons may include misrepresentation by providing dishonest information or absence of information, complaints by students/alumni, or evidence of practices of discrimination or racism in the workplace. In addition, the career services staff and Loyola administration reserve the right to remove organizations or job postings that are not a good fit with the Jesuit mission and/or provide any risk to a student's personal or financial well-being.


Employers must use valid contact information, including an organizational email account when registering for a Handshake account. Use of a personal email (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.) may cause a delay or rejection. Please call 773.508.7716 with any questions.


Internships are "real world" work experience that offer guidance and supervision by a trained professional to students or recent graduates seeking to apply classroom learning and skills. Interns can provide enthusiastic, willing assistance to your business or non-profit, fresh ideas, and the latest trends in technology. They can also increase your visibility and reputation on the Loyola campus. Sponsoring an intern is a great way to give back to your community, evaluate a potential employee, and gain assistance with special projects. Employers may not post job or internship opportunities that require students to purchase or rent any type of presentation or sales material/supplies, or pay a fee for training or placement.

Paid Internships

  • It is strongly preferred that organizations pay interns for work performed.
  • Private sector employers need to be familiar with the United States Department of Labor guidelines for legally offering unpaid internships, as most opportunities are actually employment that requires payment. This fact sheet produced by the United States Department of Labor provides general information to help determine whether interns must be paid the minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Unpaid Internships

  • If an internship is unpaid, the position description must include clearly stated learning objectives or outcomes that a participant may reasonably expect to achieve from the experience.
  • To ensure that an experience—whether it is a traditional internship or one conducted remotely or virtually—is educational, and thus eligible to be considered a legitimate internship by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) definition, all the following criteria must be met:
  • As with all employment situations, candidates should thoroughly research an employment opportunity prior to signing a legally binding contract. All contracts should be reviewed very carefully. If you have any questions about a contract, do not sign it until you have discussed it with another knowledgeable party.

Career Center Note
The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings. The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications. There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework. There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience. There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor. There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.

Academic Internships

In order for a Loyola University Chicago student to receive academic credit for an internship, the internship site and internship position description must be approved by a university faculty/instructor, prior to the student being granted “academic credit” for an internship experience. Note: Each academic department’s internship program has specific guidelines and requirements which the student must review with the faculty/instructor.

Examples of experiences that do NOT qualified as internships

  • Positions that displace a regular employee.
  • Positions that are 100 percent commission-based.
  • Positions that require door-to-door canvassing, cold-calling, telemarketing, or petition gathering as the primary activity.
  • "Independent contractor" relationships that require the intern to set up his/her own business to sell products, services and/or recruiting other individuals to set up their own business.
  • Positions in which the student is required to pay the employer for any part of the experience (e.g., fees for training).

Non-Discrimination Policies

Loyola University Chicago is an equal opportunity employer and educator. Each candidate shall be considered on the basis of qualifications, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, or veteran status. All recruiters must comply with the nondiscrimination requirements of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) standards, and State of Illinois employment laws.

Pre-Employment Testing

Any pre-employment tests administered on campus must meet our Non-Discrimination Policies (above).

Professional Conduct

Loyola University Career Services  requires that recruiting organizations adhere to and refer to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services Employment Professionals.

Third Party Policy

In accordance with NACE Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals, Third-Party Recruiters are defined as"agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs." Organizations or individuals recruiting services for a fee must post all positions under their own organization or agency name, rather than that of their client.

Examples of Third-Party Recruiters

  • Employment Agencies: Entities which list positions for a number of employers and receive payment when a candidate they have referred is hired. The fee for listing a position should be paid by the employer with the opening.
  • Search Firms: Entities that contract with a client to find and screen candidates to fill a specific position. The fee for this service is paid by the client employer.
  • Contract Recruiter: Organizations that contract with an employer to act as the employer's agent in the recruiting and employment function.
  • Resume Referral Firms: Organizations that collect data on job seekers that is provided to prospective employers.
  • Temporary Agencies: Organizations that contract to provide individuals qualified to perform specific tasks or complete specific projects for a client organization. Individuals perform work at the client organization, but are employed and paid by the agency.

Unique Job Qualifications

Information in the Job Qualifications field of a job posting (e.g., must be over 21, valid driver's license, CPR, etc.)

Work Authorization

Loyola Career Services no longer permits the use of work authorization, visa status or citizenship data in Handshake. This action is in compliance with a U.S. Department of Justice determination. More information can be found at Department of Justice.

Examples of experiences that do NOT qualify as internships:

  • Positions that displace a regular employee.
  • Positions that are 100 percent commission-based.
  • Positions that require door-to-door canvassing, cold-calling, telemarketing, or petition gathering as the primary activity.
  • “Independent contractor” relationships that require the intern to set up his/her own business to sell products, services and/or recruiting other individuals to set up their own business.
  • Positions in which the student is required to pay the employer for any part of the experience (e.g., fees for training).



Upon completion of their degree, Loyola students enter diverse professional pathways reflective of our 13 Colleges, Schools and Institutes, 80+ undergraduate majors, and 200+ graduate, professional and certificate programs.  

View our Undergraduate Career Outcomes

For more information, please visit the Office of Institutional Effectiveness