
Arts, Culture & Media Career Community Profile

Arts, Culture & Media Career Community

Arts, Culture, & Media careers focus on the creation, preservation, and communication of ideas and content. Opportunities in these fields are wide-ranging and their work results in physical spaces decided to history and culture, as well as the print, traditional, and digital media we interact with in our everyday lives. These careers typically require a blend of creativity, specialization in one or more types of media, and a strong understanding of both cultural context and audience engagement.

Sample CareersEditor, Curator, Writer, Graphic Designer, Journalist, Archivist, Photographer, Artistic Director, Librarian, Social Media Manager, Sound Engineer, Videographer, Event Coordinator, Brand Manager, Production Coordinator 

Check out the Arts, Culture, & Media Community Resource on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Ashley:

Best career advice you received or best advice for students

Career development is exciting for many of the same reasons it can be stressful: there are so many choices, decisions, and possibilities. You don’t have to have it all figured out right away. Take it one step at a time.

College major

Theatre and Psychology (double major)

First job outside of college

I worked part-time for the summer in my local theatre company before I moved to Vermont to start a full-time position as a college admissions counselor. I spent the fall traveling to high schools all over the Northeast, helping students navigate the college financial aid and enrollment processes. In the spring I read admissions applications, processed decisions, and helped welcome new students to campus!

Ready to join the Arts, Culture, & Media community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!


Arts, Culture & Media Career Community

Arts, Culture, & Media careers focus on the creation, preservation, and communication of ideas and content. Opportunities in these fields are wide-ranging and their work results in physical spaces decided to history and culture, as well as the print, traditional, and digital media we interact with in our everyday lives. These careers typically require a blend of creativity, specialization in one or more types of media, and a strong understanding of both cultural context and audience engagement.

Sample CareersEditor, Curator, Writer, Graphic Designer, Journalist, Archivist, Photographer, Artistic Director, Librarian, Social Media Manager, Sound Engineer, Videographer, Event Coordinator, Brand Manager, Production Coordinator 

Check out the Arts, Culture, & Media Community Resource on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Ashley:

Ready to join the Arts, Culture, & Media community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!