
Finance & Accounting Career Community Profile

Finance and Accounting Career Community

Major financial institutions and accounting firms tend to dominate most people’s thoughts when they consider careers in finance and accounting, but a career in either offers diverse opportunities. All businesses are subject to financial reporting, compliance, and benefit from financial planning. Government agencies at the federal, state and local levels (including the IRS and SEC) employ finance and accounting professionals. Large nonprofits including universities, as well as healthcare providers, manufacturers, and technology companies also employ accounting and finance professionals. 

Sample Careers: General Accountant, Auditor, Tax Accountant, Compliance Professionals, Forensic Accountant, Actuary, and Management Accountant. Financial Analyst, Financial Advisor, Investment Banker; Commercial Banker; Financial Controller; Risk Analyst/Manager, Wealth Manager and Trader. 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Al:

Best career advice you received or best advice for students

The most influential variable in your career satisfaction and success is yourself. Take the time to understand yourself and revisit that understanding often. What are your most pronounced strengths? What motivates you? What are your needs? What environments do you thrive in? What tasks do you tend to enjoy? What kind of people do you enjoy working with/being around? Leverage that understanding of yourself to identify careers with employers that are best suited to you (and you to them). When this is done right, our job satisfaction and success should trend up and to the right as we grow our understanding of ourselves and the kinds of roles that suit us best. 

College major

English Literature (B.A.) and Organizational Communication (M.S.)

First job outside of college

Client Relationship Manager for a small wealth management and venture capital firm. 


Ready to join the Finance and Accounting community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!


Finance and Accounting Career Community

Major financial institutions and accounting firms tend to dominate most people’s thoughts when they consider careers in finance and accounting, but a career in either offers diverse opportunities. All businesses are subject to financial reporting, compliance, and benefit from financial planning. Government agencies at the federal, state and local levels (including the IRS and SEC) employ finance and accounting professionals. Large nonprofits including universities, as well as healthcare providers, manufacturers, and technology companies also employ accounting and finance professionals. 

Sample Careers: General Accountant, Auditor, Tax Accountant, Compliance Professionals, Forensic Accountant, Actuary, and Management Accountant. Financial Analyst, Financial Advisor, Investment Banker; Commercial Banker; Financial Controller; Risk Analyst/Manager, Wealth Manager and Trader. 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Al:

Ready to join the Finance and Accounting community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!