
Law, Policy & Government Career Community Profile

Law, Policy and Government Career Community

The Law, Policy & Government career community is a space to explore and validate your career interests, whether you are interested in running for office, working for the government, or attending law school to become an attorney. Law, policy and government all intersect with pretty much any career you could imagine, given that we create laws and policies on every topic and the government oversees their implementation. This career community is strongly defined by the value of service rooted in justice through the mechanisms of the legal and political world. 

Sample Careers: Lawyer, Legislator, Judicial Law Clerk, Judge, Detective/Criminal Investigator, Political Scientist, Court Reporter, Environmental Compliance Inspector, Intelligence Analyst, Probation Officer, Urban and Regional Planner, Paralegal/Legal Assistant, Emergency Management Director, Regulatory Affairs Specialist 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Emily:

Best career advice you received or best advice for students

The best career advice I can offer students is to move forward on your journey one step at a time. You do not need to have every piece of your career figured out in your twenties, thirties, forties, or even fifties. Welcome change, even when it is tough, and know that you’re not alone—Career Services is here for you! 

College major

BA in Social Work 

First job outside of college

Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator


Ready to join the Law, Policy & Government community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!


Law, Policy and Government Career Community

The Law, Policy & Government career community is a space to explore and validate your career interests, whether you are interested in running for office, working for the government, or attending law school to become an attorney. Law, policy and government all intersect with pretty much any career you could imagine, given that we create laws and policies on every topic and the government oversees their implementation. This career community is strongly defined by the value of service rooted in justice through the mechanisms of the legal and political world. 

Sample Careers: Lawyer, Legislator, Judicial Law Clerk, Judge, Detective/Criminal Investigator, Political Scientist, Court Reporter, Environmental Compliance Inspector, Intelligence Analyst, Probation Officer, Urban and Regional Planner, Paralegal/Legal Assistant, Emergency Management Director, Regulatory Affairs Specialist 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

A little about Emily:

Ready to join the Law, Policy & Government community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!