
Pre-Medicine Career Community

The Pre-Medicine Career Community offers assistance to Loyola's undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students interested in pursuing medical school, dental school, and other health professional schools. 

Our team provides a variety of services for students to guide them as they consider their readiness to apply for health professional school, prepare their candidacies, and submit medical and other health professional school applications. 

Sample Careers: Medicine (allopathic and osteopathic), Dentistry, Podiatry, Veterinary, Optometry, Physician’s Assistant, and Pharmacy 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

Career Advisors: 

Meg Sieberg, MSW (She/her) Contact: msieberg@luc.edu

Jim Johnson, PhD (He/him) Contact: jjohnso@luc.edu

Hannah Rosenblatt, MSW (She/her) Contact: hrosenblatt@luc.edu

Schedule a meeting in Handshake    

Best career advice you received or best advice for students

Meg: Career is a journey, not a destination. Keep moving forward even without knowing exactly where you will end up. 

Jim: Based on Fr. Himes’ “Three Key Questions” it can be helpful to keep these ideas in mind when thinking about a vocation: 1) Does it give you joy? 2) Are you good at it? 3) Does the world need it? 





College major

Meg: Communications 

Jim: Psychology and Sociology 

Hannah: Spanish  

First job outside of college

Meg: Northwestern University Public Interest Program Fellow at the North Lawndale Community Newspaper  

Jim: Athletic Director, Winnetka Community House  



Ready to join the Pre-Medicine community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!


The Pre-Medicine Career Community offers assistance to Loyola's undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students interested in pursuing medical school, dental school, and other health professional schools. 

Our team provides a variety of services for students to guide them as they consider their readiness to apply for health professional school, prepare their candidacies, and submit medical and other health professional school applications. 

Sample Careers: Medicine (allopathic and osteopathic), Dentistry, Podiatry, Veterinary, Optometry, Physician’s Assistant, and Pharmacy 

Check out Career Community Resources on Handshake

For a more comprehensive, customized list of potential careers, get started on PathwayU, our career exploration platform. Once all assessments have been completed, visit https://luc.pathwayu.com/career-matches to view your career matches by subject. 

Career Advisors: 

Meg Sieberg, MSW (She/her) Contact: msieberg@luc.edu

Jim Johnson, PhD (He/him) Contact: jjohnso@luc.edu

Hannah Rosenblatt, MSW (She/her) Contact: hrosenblatt@luc.edu

Schedule a meeting in Handshake    

Ready to join the Pre-Medicine community? Log in to your Handshake account and follow these simple steps!