
Mock Interviews

A mock interview is an opportunity to practice interviewing skills in an environment similar to an actual interview. Participating in mock interviews help students become familiar with interview questions and etiquette allowing you to improve your performance in future interviews. Career Services offers face-to-face mock interviews in a variety of settings based on the time of year and the goals of the student.

Mock Interview with Career Advisors

Throughout the year, students and alumni can schedule mock interviews with their career advisor. Contact us at careercenter@luc.edu or 773.508.7716 to set up an interview.

Mock Interview FAQ's

Who can participate in mock interviews?

All grade levels are able to participate in mock interviews with career advisors and employers. Mock interviews are a great way to get a feel for what an interview is like or practice for your internship/job interview.

Can I sign up for more than one mock interview?

Given the limited number of mock interviews, students are only allowed to sign up for one mock interview per semester.

How do I prepare for a mock interview?

Refer to the Interviewing Guide in Handshake under Resources. You can also log in to our interviewing platform https://luc.biginterview.com. Practice by industry, competency, admissions interviews or general questions.

A mock interview is an opportunity to practice interviewing skills in an environment similar to an actual interview. Participating in mock interviews help students become familiar with interview questions and etiquette allowing you to improve your performance in future interviews. Career Services offers face-to-face mock interviews in a variety of settings based on the time of year and the goals of the student.

Mock Interview with Career Advisors

Throughout the year, students and alumni can schedule mock interviews with their career advisor. Contact us at careercenter@luc.edu or 773.508.7716 to set up an interview.