Undergraduate Research
For a course to be designated as “Undergraduate Research“, satisfying the University Engaged Learning requirement, it must meet all the following criteria. Criteria for undergraduate research courses are based on research, best practices, and the CAS Standards for Undergraduate Research (2009).
- The field research course engages students on an original research project (not a simulation), either contributing to a faculty research project or engaging in an independent research project with a mentor
- Students conduct research on an ongoing basis, working an average of 5 – 10 hours/week.
- Students gain knowledge of or experience in discipline-specific language, research ethics, skills in research methodologies, and important scholarship.
- The learning objectives related to the research experience are clearly articulated related to their field of study, educational goals and/or career and vocational aspirations.
- There is supervision and feedback by a mentor who has expertise related to their field of study, educational goals and/or career and vocational aspirations.
- The syllabus assignments include reflection assignments and a final synthesis project integrated into the course.
- There is an outlet to disseminate the original research (e.g., symposium, conference, scholarly article) integrated into the course.
In addition to classes approved for EL credit in the area of Undergraduate Research, research projects students pursue under an Independent Study or Directed Readings course-number may be approved for EL credit if they meet the criteria. Students should follow the process to request EL credit on the "Requesting EL Credit" page.
All courses that have been approved to satisfy the Engaged Learning University Requirement are designated with an "E" appended to their section number, e.g. ANTH 301-01E. Comprehensive listings of ALL approved Engaged Learning classes offered each semester can be found in LOCUS.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship
- Parkinson School of Health Science and Public Health
- School of Education
- School for Environmental Sustainability
- School of Business
- School of Communication
College of Arts and Sciences
ANTH 314: Practicing Anthropology (3)
The applications of anthropological data, methods, and theory in the analysis and understanding of contemporary human problems. Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of cross-cultural differences in the experience of illness, curing and health; cultural meanings and practices involved in substance abuse; the role of culture in educational practice and learning; and the influence of culture in business and workplace settings.
ANTH 317: Ethnographic Methods (3)
This course is designed to offer an introduction to qualitative methods in anthropology. Students will learn methodologies such as participant observation, interviewing, and document analysis, and we will also address ethical issues in field research. Students will design and carry out an ethnographic research project. Outcomes: Students will: demonstrate in-depth knowledge of qualitative research techniques; critically discuss ethical implications of ethnographic research; undertake original ethnographic fieldwork; prepare a comprehensive, theoretically informed, and clearly written report based on original ethnographic data.
This course is designed to offer an introduction to qualitative methods in anthropology. Students will learn methodologies such as participant observation, interviewing, and document analysis, and we will also address ethical issues in field research. Students will design and carry out an ethnographic research project. Outcomes: Students will: demonstrate in-depth knowledge of qualitative research techniques; critically discuss ethical implications of ethnographic research; undertake original ethnographic fieldwork; prepare a comprehensive, theoretically informed, and clearly written report based on original ethnographic data.
ANTH 361-002 (Section-Only): Issues in Cultural Anthropology: Language and Place (3)
This course offers direct experience with anthropological research methods and analysis using material culture and archival holdings from the May Weber Ethnographic Study Collection. Grounded in object-based studies and using examples from the collection, this course will examine collecting contexts, formal and technical analyses, operational sequences, cultural contexts, and interpretation.
BIOI 397E/BIOL 395E: Bioinformatics Survey (3) - (Section Only)
This course trains students in conducting collaborative bioinformatics research as well reading and presenting scientific research. Outcomes: Provides an alternative to individual research; reflects trends in the field for collaborative, group research. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and Instructor consent
BIOI 399: Bioinformatics Research (1-4)
An independent research experience involving laboratory experiments, computer program development, or statistical analysis or any combination of these performed under the mentorship of one or more Bioinformatics faculty members. Outcomes: All students will acquire skills to perform and report on independent research and to be intellectually responsible for evaluating their own and related work. Other outcomes will include at least one of the following: Experimental expertise, statistical evaluation of data sets, design and use of computational tools. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
BIOL 296: Introduction to Research (1) (Effective Spring 2015)
Prerequisites: BIOL 102, 112; Permission of the instructor; Biology Core highly recommended. Students will begin reading the literature in the field of their mentor, conduct experiments designed by the mentor, and give a presentation on their work or studies, in preparation for upper level undergraduate research. Outcomes: Students will develop critical reading skills and become familiar with basic lab techniques in the area of their mentor.
BIOL 366L: Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Lab (2)
Introduction to modern techniques and instrumentation with an emphasis on cellular metabolism and protein biochemistry including purification and quantitation methods and enzyme kinetics.
BIOL 392/COMP 392: Metagenomics (3)
Exploration of next-generation sequencing technologies for assessing microbial diversity in ecological niches. Prerequisite: BIOL 282. Outcomes: Students will gain hands-on experience with metagenomic methodologies while working in an interdisciplinary, collaborative setting.
Laboratory. Special areas of study outside the usual curriculum, that vary each time the course is offered.
BIOL 396: Research (3)
Laboratory or field research under faculty guidance emphasizing hypothesis testing, literature searches, experimental design, and use of appropriate techniques. Outcomes: Students will learn the full set of research skills required in doing an independent project and reporting the results.
BIOL 397H: Senior Honors Thesis (3)
For students in the Honors Program. Laboratory or field research under faculty guidance emphasizing hypothesis testing, literature searches, experimental design, and use of appropriate techniques. Written thesis and research presentation required. Outcomes: Students will learn the full set of research skills required in doing an independent project and reporting the results.
CHEM 300: Undergraduate Research (1-6)
This course gives undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in research in a selected area. Outcomes: Students will accomplish the research task defined in the contractual arrangement between the student and the instructor. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
The course will allow students to be actively engaged in a faculty member's research project, providing the student with an opportunity to apply the research skills that they already have and to acquire additional skills and knowledge about research design, statistical analysis, and writing research presentations, briefs, or papers.
CLST 380 - Research in Classical Studies (3)
Students complete a semester-long research project on a topic in Classical Studies. Outcomes: Students will improve research methods and produce a research paper that engages with both primary sources and secondary scholarship.
COMP 312: Open Source Computing (3)
This course will cover the fundamentals of Free and Open Source software development. Topics to be addressed include licensing, Linux, typical software development tools, applications, and techniques for managing remote servers. Outcomes: Students will learn to implement projects involving Free and Open Source software and learn how to participate in open-source projects effectively.
COMP 398: Computer Science Independent Study
The student and a sponsoring faculty member will determine an advanced topic for the student to work on. Outcomes: Knowledge of an advanced topic.
DANC 398 - Research in Dance (1-3)
Faculty serve as mentors for dance students pursuing research opportunities. Platforms cross various domains in cognitive, psychomotor, and artistic development. Students and faculty work together to generate qualitative and quantitative data documented in multiple modalities including: dancemaking, regression analyses, interviews, correlational and case studies. This course satisfies the Engaged Learning-Undergraduate Research requirement. Must be a declared dance major or minor to enroll.
Outcomes: Students will learn discipline-specific language skills, research ethics and methodologies. Students will gain valuable skills disseminating research through performances, scholarly articles, conference presentations and research symposia.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Prerequisite: UCWR 110.
Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of the principles involved in writing clear and effective prose in whatever form/genre is under study, and be able to apply these principles to their own writing in this form/genre.
Outcomes: Students produce a polished in-depth research paper; They demonstrate the ability to synthesize and apply ideas from scholarly sources; formulate, develop, and articulate in verbal and written form relevant issues. Senior Status, ARTH major required
FNAR 392: Senior Thesis II: FNAR Art History Capstone (3)
The second half of the capstone experience for art history majors. In Senior Thesis II, students write an in-depth scholarly research paper. Outcomes: Students produce a polished in-depth research paper. They demonstrate the ability to synthesize and apply ideas from scholarly sources; formulate, develop, and defend a thesis; and critically analyze and articulate in verbal and written form the issues and ideas relevant to their topic.
FNAR 394B: Special Topics in Art History: Traditional Chinese Architecture (3)
Students will master topics in areas of art history not offered elsewhere in the curriculum.
FRSC 394: Forensic Science Research (1-3)
This course allows students to obtain course credit in forensic science while gaining experience in scientific research with a forensic science faculty member. Though projects vary, the intent is for the student to develop their own original research component within the faculty member’s topic area and emphasis (i.e. forensic chemistry,forensic toxicology, forensic biology and DNA, etc.). Ultimately, the goal of this course is to have students apply forensic science content knowledge in original research project areas as an avenue for preparing their skills for ongoing work as a graduate student or practitioner in the forensic science community.
Special topics or new approaches of current interest to the instructor. This course counts as a 300-level histroy elective. Students may repeat the course for credit when the topic changes.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
MSTU 300-301: Integrative Experience I and II (3)
These two courses constitute a two semester sequence of designed to provide students with a synoptic view of the field of Medieval Studies and train them to do cross-disciplinary work within that field. Outcomes: Students will be able to produce original research on some topic pertaining to the Middle Ages that utilizes and integrates no less than two methodologies drawn from diverse disciplines. (Both courses must be completed to satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.)
PHYS 126/126F: General Physics II and Freshman Projects (3 + 1)
A continuation of PHYS 125. Outcome: Understanding of electrostatics, magnetostatics, time varying currents, resistive, capacitative and inductive elements, electromagnetic and sound waves, geometrical and wave optics, introductory special relativity. Under the guidance of a faculty member, students carry out research in the area of mechanics, waves or thermodynamics. The project must involve submission of a proposal, building of a setup, carrying out related theoretical calculation followed by experimentation. Outcomes: Students should get a deeper understanding of the material covered in PHYS 125 (mechanics, waves and thermodynamics) and also learn about research methods employed by physicists.
PHYS 338: Intermediate Physics Laboratory (2)
Lab course with advanced experiments in mechanics, biophysics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, solid state, and particle physics. Students will receive training in data analysis methods, data acquisition systems, signal processing, and 3D fabrication. Students will work in teams on a final independent project.
Prerequisites: PHYS 301 and PHYS 314. Restricted to PHYS, TPAM, PCSC, and BPHY majors
Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of experiment design, data analysis, and error estimation in the context of investigating physical principles and using different instrumentation.
PHYS 391: Research (1-12)
Research in physics or an associated field. This is a variable credit course and can be repeated. Outcomes: Under the guidance of a faculty member, students study and understand research methods employed by physicists and gain deeper understanding of a particular area of physics. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
This course provides students with the opportunity to work under the direction of a faculty member on a particular area of interest that is not part of the Psychology of Crime and Justice minor's usual curriculum. Program Permission Required.
PSYC 370: Honors Research (3)
Students carry out the research proposed in PSYC 369 and prepare a formal report constituting the honors thesis. Approval of the thesis by the honors committee earns the psychology honors award. PSYC 370 is a capstone course. Outcomes: Students will conduct research, analyze and interpret data, and write a thesis.
PSYC 397: Independent Research (3)
Capstone opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a psychology faculty member. Only one of PSYC 397 and 399 may count toward the psychology major. Outcomes: Students will gain experience in all aspects of psychological research, including literature review, formulating hypotheses, designing and conducting research, analyzing data and interpreting results, communicating the results of research in written reports.
SOCL 265: Globalication and Society (3)
This course examines the nature of contemporary globalization and considers how it influences communities, nations and the world. The course examines the positive and negative consequences of globalization and the global justice movement that have emerged seeking more equality, tolerance and environmental stewardship.
SOCL 397: Independent Study (3)
Independent study of a topic delineated by the student in collaboration with an individual faculty member.
STAT 370: Data Science (3)
Students will work on a research project with a client acting as a consultant on the statistical and computational aspects of the project. Students are required to meet with a client, develop a strategy for addressing their problem, and present their results to the client (and their classmates). **Prerequisites: STAT 308
STAT 389: Independent Study (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least three Asian religions.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
This 3 credit capstone course gives students an opportunity to integrate various aspects of their theological education, drawing upon the major sources of Christian and Catholic tradition, including Scripture, History, Systematic Theology, and Ethics.
Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varied sources within Christian theological traditions and how to make reasoned theological arguments.
Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship/Office of the Provost
EXPL 391: Seminar in Undergraduate Research Methods (3)
This seminar course offers undergraduate students the experiential opportunity to engage in research while building their foundation of research methods. Students may be part of the Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (LUROP) through a funded fellowship, or students may be working independently with a faculty mentor (volunteering in a lab, working on a research team). All students must have a research project with a faculty mentor identified prior to enrolling in this course. As an experiential learning course, students will need to be engaging in research with a faculty mentor concurrently to taking this course. Students must work a minimum of 5 - 10 hours each week over the semester on their research projects (10 - 15 hours per week over the summer session). Students will reflect on research experience in the context of understanding research paradigms, application of research methodologies, understanding the implications of ethical research, and preparing to present research professionally. This course will provide students engaged in research with the opportunity to develop a formal written research paper and poster, as if the students are preparing to present their research in a professional setting, such as the LUROP Symposium.
Parkinson School of Health Science and Public Health
PUBH 399: Public Health Capstone (3)
This course is a cumulative, integrative and scholarly or applied experience or inquiry project. It may include internships, service-learning projects, senior seminars, portfolio projects, or research paper. The project provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate proficiency in effective communication skills through a written report and oral presentation.
School of Education
CIEP 366: Special Topic Seminar (3)
This course is a seminar for Special Topics for SOE undergraduate students. This seminar will allow SOE to pilot newly developed and approved courses. This seminar will be used by SOE - ADSU, TL, and SPSY - programs covering various educational subjects and interdisciplinary topics.
School for Environmental Sustainability
ENVS 350B: Biogas (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
This course provides an introduction overview of the health consequences associated with climate change and the local, federal, and global response to mitigate these negative health outcomes. During this course students will be expected incorporate course content and develop a realistic response public health plan to climate change for a locality of their choosing.
ENVS 391: Environmental Research (1-4)
Students may register for independent research on a topic mutually acceptable to the student and any professor in the department. Usually this research is directed to a particular course or to the research of the professor. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
School of Business
BHNR 343: Integrated Analytical Decision-Making (3)
This course will focus on the analysis of business data, and use both statistical and data mining methodologies to make evidence-based decisions, with applications of these techniques to business problems. Students will conduct an original data mining research project in any field of business administration, and create both a written analysis and presentation. Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will know how to formulate a business problem in a data mining context, then build, run, evaluate, and interpret a data mining model that addresses the problem.
BHNR 353: Research Practicum (3)
Restricted to students in the Business Honors Program.
ECON 346: Econometrics (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
The course provides an understanding of empirical techniques in economics. Building on your knowledge of probability theory and statistics, you will learn how to estimate economic relationships of interest and perform hypothesis testing on predictions from economic models. This course will enhance your understanding of statistical analysis and develop skills for the interpretation of quantitative data in economics. You will gain hands-on experience in working with data, performing statistical estimation and writing up the results of your findings in a research paper. The ultimate goal is to estimate the magnitude and statistical strength of causal relationships derived from economic models.
ENTR 390: Entrepreneurship Strategies – Capstone (3)
This course prepares students for entry into the real business world either as a corporate entrepreneur or a new venture entrepreneur.
Topics include a critical appraisal of the efficient market hypothesis, asset allocation using the Markowitz mean-variance framework, fundamental and technical analysis, and mutual fund performance evaluation.
Outcomes: Students will understand how stocks and other assets are selected; how economic and company information is monitored and used to adjust portfolio holdings; and how portfolios can be optimized to achieve targeted risk/return characteristics.
FINC 356: Topics in Investment Banking and Asset Management (3)
This course examines selected topics in investment banking and asset management, including stock and bond offerings, private equity, buyouts, mergers and acquisitions. Students in the course research publicly traded companies, write equity research reports and pitch investment ideas; they also mentor junior analysts in the Rambler Investment Fund (RIF).
FINC 399: Topics in Investment Banking and Asset Management (3)
Scheduled classes are offered on an ad hoc basis. Specific titles, prerequisites and content may vary. **Prerequisites: Junior Standing.
School of Communication
COMM 365: Naturalistic Methods in Communication Research (3)
This course examines how communication research is conducted in naturalistic settings using qualitative methods associated with observation and in-depth interviewing. Outcomes: Students will become familiar with the reading and evaluation of communication research, and apply the concepts studied in class to the design and development of a research project.
COMM 368: Critical Ethnography in Communication (3)
This course teaches principles of participant-observation research as a critical practice to produce a 'thick description' of meanings, values, hierarchies of interests, power structures and ideals of a particular cultural group or community. Outcomes: Students learn to conduct ethnographic research and its procedures, taking field notes, conducting interviews, examination of data and artifacts, and producing research results to a public audience.
For a course to be designated as “Undergraduate Research“, satisfying the University Engaged Learning requirement, it must meet all the following criteria. Criteria for undergraduate research courses are based on research, best practices, and the CAS Standards for Undergraduate Research (2009).
- The field research course engages students on an original research project (not a simulation), either contributing to a faculty research project or engaging in an independent research project with a mentor
- Students conduct research on an ongoing basis, working an average of 5 – 10 hours/week.
- Students gain knowledge of or experience in discipline-specific language, research ethics, skills in research methodologies, and important scholarship.
- The learning objectives related to the research experience are clearly articulated related to their field of study, educational goals and/or career and vocational aspirations.
- There is supervision and feedback by a mentor who has expertise related to their field of study, educational goals and/or career and vocational aspirations.
- The syllabus assignments include reflection assignments and a final synthesis project integrated into the course.
- There is an outlet to disseminate the original research (e.g., symposium, conference, scholarly article) integrated into the course.
In addition to classes approved for EL credit in the area of Undergraduate Research, research projects students pursue under an Independent Study or Directed Readings course-number may be approved for EL credit if they meet the criteria. Students should follow the process to request EL credit on the "Requesting EL Credit" page.
All courses that have been approved to satisfy the Engaged Learning University Requirement are designated with an "E" appended to their section number, e.g. ANTH 301-01E. Comprehensive listings of ALL approved Engaged Learning classes offered each semester can be found in LOCUS.
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship
- Parkinson School of Health Science and Public Health
- School of Education
- School for Environmental Sustainability
- School of Business
- School of Communication
College of Arts and Sciences
ANTH 314: Practicing Anthropology (3)
The applications of anthropological data, methods, and theory in the analysis and understanding of contemporary human problems. Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of cross-cultural differences in the experience of illness, curing and health; cultural meanings and practices involved in substance abuse; the role of culture in educational practice and learning; and the influence of culture in business and workplace settings.
ANTH 317: Ethnographic Methods (3)
This course is designed to offer an introduction to qualitative methods in anthropology. Students will learn methodologies such as participant observation, interviewing, and document analysis, and we will also address ethical issues in field research. Students will design and carry out an ethnographic research project. Outcomes: Students will: demonstrate in-depth knowledge of qualitative research techniques; critically discuss ethical implications of ethnographic research; undertake original ethnographic fieldwork; prepare a comprehensive, theoretically informed, and clearly written report based on original ethnographic data.
This course is designed to offer an introduction to qualitative methods in anthropology. Students will learn methodologies such as participant observation, interviewing, and document analysis, and we will also address ethical issues in field research. Students will design and carry out an ethnographic research project. Outcomes: Students will: demonstrate in-depth knowledge of qualitative research techniques; critically discuss ethical implications of ethnographic research; undertake original ethnographic fieldwork; prepare a comprehensive, theoretically informed, and clearly written report based on original ethnographic data.
ANTH 361-002 (Section-Only): Issues in Cultural Anthropology: Language and Place (3)
This course offers direct experience with anthropological research methods and analysis using material culture and archival holdings from the May Weber Ethnographic Study Collection. Grounded in object-based studies and using examples from the collection, this course will examine collecting contexts, formal and technical analyses, operational sequences, cultural contexts, and interpretation.
BIOI 397E/BIOL 395E: Bioinformatics Survey (3) - (Section Only)
This course trains students in conducting collaborative bioinformatics research as well reading and presenting scientific research. Outcomes: Provides an alternative to individual research; reflects trends in the field for collaborative, group research. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and Instructor consent
BIOI 399: Bioinformatics Research (1-4)
An independent research experience involving laboratory experiments, computer program development, or statistical analysis or any combination of these performed under the mentorship of one or more Bioinformatics faculty members. Outcomes: All students will acquire skills to perform and report on independent research and to be intellectually responsible for evaluating their own and related work. Other outcomes will include at least one of the following: Experimental expertise, statistical evaluation of data sets, design and use of computational tools. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
BIOL 296: Introduction to Research (1) (Effective Spring 2015)
Prerequisites: BIOL 102, 112; Permission of the instructor; Biology Core highly recommended. Students will begin reading the literature in the field of their mentor, conduct experiments designed by the mentor, and give a presentation on their work or studies, in preparation for upper level undergraduate research. Outcomes: Students will develop critical reading skills and become familiar with basic lab techniques in the area of their mentor.
BIOL 366L: Cell Physiology and Biochemistry Lab (2)
Introduction to modern techniques and instrumentation with an emphasis on cellular metabolism and protein biochemistry including purification and quantitation methods and enzyme kinetics.
BIOL 392/COMP 392: Metagenomics (3)
Exploration of next-generation sequencing technologies for assessing microbial diversity in ecological niches. Prerequisite: BIOL 282. Outcomes: Students will gain hands-on experience with metagenomic methodologies while working in an interdisciplinary, collaborative setting.
Laboratory. Special areas of study outside the usual curriculum, that vary each time the course is offered.
BIOL 396: Research (3)
Laboratory or field research under faculty guidance emphasizing hypothesis testing, literature searches, experimental design, and use of appropriate techniques. Outcomes: Students will learn the full set of research skills required in doing an independent project and reporting the results.
BIOL 397H: Senior Honors Thesis (3)
For students in the Honors Program. Laboratory or field research under faculty guidance emphasizing hypothesis testing, literature searches, experimental design, and use of appropriate techniques. Written thesis and research presentation required. Outcomes: Students will learn the full set of research skills required in doing an independent project and reporting the results.
CHEM 300: Undergraduate Research (1-6)
This course gives undergraduate students an opportunity to participate in research in a selected area. Outcomes: Students will accomplish the research task defined in the contractual arrangement between the student and the instructor. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
The course will allow students to be actively engaged in a faculty member's research project, providing the student with an opportunity to apply the research skills that they already have and to acquire additional skills and knowledge about research design, statistical analysis, and writing research presentations, briefs, or papers.
CLST 380 - Research in Classical Studies (3)
Students complete a semester-long research project on a topic in Classical Studies. Outcomes: Students will improve research methods and produce a research paper that engages with both primary sources and secondary scholarship.
COMP 312: Open Source Computing (3)
This course will cover the fundamentals of Free and Open Source software development. Topics to be addressed include licensing, Linux, typical software development tools, applications, and techniques for managing remote servers. Outcomes: Students will learn to implement projects involving Free and Open Source software and learn how to participate in open-source projects effectively.
COMP 398: Computer Science Independent Study
The student and a sponsoring faculty member will determine an advanced topic for the student to work on. Outcomes: Knowledge of an advanced topic.
DANC 398 - Research in Dance (1-3)
Faculty serve as mentors for dance students pursuing research opportunities. Platforms cross various domains in cognitive, psychomotor, and artistic development. Students and faculty work together to generate qualitative and quantitative data documented in multiple modalities including: dancemaking, regression analyses, interviews, correlational and case studies. This course satisfies the Engaged Learning-Undergraduate Research requirement. Must be a declared dance major or minor to enroll.
Outcomes: Students will learn discipline-specific language skills, research ethics and methodologies. Students will gain valuable skills disseminating research through performances, scholarly articles, conference presentations and research symposia.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Prerequisite: UCWR 110.
Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of the principles involved in writing clear and effective prose in whatever form/genre is under study, and be able to apply these principles to their own writing in this form/genre.
Outcomes: Students produce a polished in-depth research paper; They demonstrate the ability to synthesize and apply ideas from scholarly sources; formulate, develop, and articulate in verbal and written form relevant issues. Senior Status, ARTH major required
FNAR 392: Senior Thesis II: FNAR Art History Capstone (3)
The second half of the capstone experience for art history majors. In Senior Thesis II, students write an in-depth scholarly research paper. Outcomes: Students produce a polished in-depth research paper. They demonstrate the ability to synthesize and apply ideas from scholarly sources; formulate, develop, and defend a thesis; and critically analyze and articulate in verbal and written form the issues and ideas relevant to their topic.
FNAR 394B: Special Topics in Art History: Traditional Chinese Architecture (3)
Students will master topics in areas of art history not offered elsewhere in the curriculum.
FRSC 394: Forensic Science Research (1-3)
This course allows students to obtain course credit in forensic science while gaining experience in scientific research with a forensic science faculty member. Though projects vary, the intent is for the student to develop their own original research component within the faculty member’s topic area and emphasis (i.e. forensic chemistry,forensic toxicology, forensic biology and DNA, etc.). Ultimately, the goal of this course is to have students apply forensic science content knowledge in original research project areas as an avenue for preparing their skills for ongoing work as a graduate student or practitioner in the forensic science community.
Special topics or new approaches of current interest to the instructor. This course counts as a 300-level histroy elective. Students may repeat the course for credit when the topic changes.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
MSTU 300-301: Integrative Experience I and II (3)
These two courses constitute a two semester sequence of designed to provide students with a synoptic view of the field of Medieval Studies and train them to do cross-disciplinary work within that field. Outcomes: Students will be able to produce original research on some topic pertaining to the Middle Ages that utilizes and integrates no less than two methodologies drawn from diverse disciplines. (Both courses must be completed to satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.)
PHYS 126/126F: General Physics II and Freshman Projects (3 + 1)
A continuation of PHYS 125. Outcome: Understanding of electrostatics, magnetostatics, time varying currents, resistive, capacitative and inductive elements, electromagnetic and sound waves, geometrical and wave optics, introductory special relativity. Under the guidance of a faculty member, students carry out research in the area of mechanics, waves or thermodynamics. The project must involve submission of a proposal, building of a setup, carrying out related theoretical calculation followed by experimentation. Outcomes: Students should get a deeper understanding of the material covered in PHYS 125 (mechanics, waves and thermodynamics) and also learn about research methods employed by physicists.
PHYS 338: Intermediate Physics Laboratory (2)
Lab course with advanced experiments in mechanics, biophysics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, solid state, and particle physics. Students will receive training in data analysis methods, data acquisition systems, signal processing, and 3D fabrication. Students will work in teams on a final independent project.
Prerequisites: PHYS 301 and PHYS 314. Restricted to PHYS, TPAM, PCSC, and BPHY majors
Outcomes: Students will gain an understanding of experiment design, data analysis, and error estimation in the context of investigating physical principles and using different instrumentation.
PHYS 391: Research (1-12)
Research in physics or an associated field. This is a variable credit course and can be repeated. Outcomes: Under the guidance of a faculty member, students study and understand research methods employed by physicists and gain deeper understanding of a particular area of physics. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
This course provides students with the opportunity to work under the direction of a faculty member on a particular area of interest that is not part of the Psychology of Crime and Justice minor's usual curriculum. Program Permission Required.
PSYC 370: Honors Research (3)
Students carry out the research proposed in PSYC 369 and prepare a formal report constituting the honors thesis. Approval of the thesis by the honors committee earns the psychology honors award. PSYC 370 is a capstone course. Outcomes: Students will conduct research, analyze and interpret data, and write a thesis.
PSYC 397: Independent Research (3)
Capstone opportunity to conduct research under the guidance of a psychology faculty member. Only one of PSYC 397 and 399 may count toward the psychology major. Outcomes: Students will gain experience in all aspects of psychological research, including literature review, formulating hypotheses, designing and conducting research, analyzing data and interpreting results, communicating the results of research in written reports.
SOCL 265: Globalication and Society (3)
This course examines the nature of contemporary globalization and considers how it influences communities, nations and the world. The course examines the positive and negative consequences of globalization and the global justice movement that have emerged seeking more equality, tolerance and environmental stewardship.
SOCL 397: Independent Study (3)
Independent study of a topic delineated by the student in collaboration with an individual faculty member.
STAT 370: Data Science (3)
Students will work on a research project with a client acting as a consultant on the statistical and computational aspects of the project. Students are required to meet with a client, develop a strategy for addressing their problem, and present their results to the client (and their classmates). **Prerequisites: STAT 308
STAT 389: Independent Study (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
Outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least three Asian religions.
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
This 3 credit capstone course gives students an opportunity to integrate various aspects of their theological education, drawing upon the major sources of Christian and Catholic tradition, including Scripture, History, Systematic Theology, and Ethics.
Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varied sources within Christian theological traditions and how to make reasoned theological arguments.
Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship/Office of the Provost
EXPL 391: Seminar in Undergraduate Research Methods (3)
This seminar course offers undergraduate students the experiential opportunity to engage in research while building their foundation of research methods. Students may be part of the Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (LUROP) through a funded fellowship, or students may be working independently with a faculty mentor (volunteering in a lab, working on a research team). All students must have a research project with a faculty mentor identified prior to enrolling in this course. As an experiential learning course, students will need to be engaging in research with a faculty mentor concurrently to taking this course. Students must work a minimum of 5 - 10 hours each week over the semester on their research projects (10 - 15 hours per week over the summer session). Students will reflect on research experience in the context of understanding research paradigms, application of research methodologies, understanding the implications of ethical research, and preparing to present research professionally. This course will provide students engaged in research with the opportunity to develop a formal written research paper and poster, as if the students are preparing to present their research in a professional setting, such as the LUROP Symposium.
Parkinson School of Health Science and Public Health
PUBH 399: Public Health Capstone (3)
This course is a cumulative, integrative and scholarly or applied experience or inquiry project. It may include internships, service-learning projects, senior seminars, portfolio projects, or research paper. The project provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate proficiency in effective communication skills through a written report and oral presentation.
School of Education
CIEP 366: Special Topic Seminar (3)
This course is a seminar for Special Topics for SOE undergraduate students. This seminar will allow SOE to pilot newly developed and approved courses. This seminar will be used by SOE - ADSU, TL, and SPSY - programs covering various educational subjects and interdisciplinary topics.
School for Environmental Sustainability
ENVS 350B: Biogas (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
This course provides an introduction overview of the health consequences associated with climate change and the local, federal, and global response to mitigate these negative health outcomes. During this course students will be expected incorporate course content and develop a realistic response public health plan to climate change for a locality of their choosing.
ENVS 391: Environmental Research (1-4)
Students may register for independent research on a topic mutually acceptable to the student and any professor in the department. Usually this research is directed to a particular course or to the research of the professor. Students must complete 3 credit hours to receive Engaged Learning credit.
School of Business
BHNR 343: Integrated Analytical Decision-Making (3)
This course will focus on the analysis of business data, and use both statistical and data mining methodologies to make evidence-based decisions, with applications of these techniques to business problems. Students will conduct an original data mining research project in any field of business administration, and create both a written analysis and presentation. Outcomes: At the end of this course, the student will know how to formulate a business problem in a data mining context, then build, run, evaluate, and interpret a data mining model that addresses the problem.
BHNR 353: Research Practicum (3)
Restricted to students in the Business Honors Program.
ECON 346: Econometrics (3)
Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement. These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.
The course provides an understanding of empirical techniques in economics. Building on your knowledge of probability theory and statistics, you will learn how to estimate economic relationships of interest and perform hypothesis testing on predictions from economic models. This course will enhance your understanding of statistical analysis and develop skills for the interpretation of quantitative data in economics. You will gain hands-on experience in working with data, performing statistical estimation and writing up the results of your findings in a research paper. The ultimate goal is to estimate the magnitude and statistical strength of causal relationships derived from economic models.
ENTR 390: Entrepreneurship Strategies – Capstone (3)
This course prepares students for entry into the real business world either as a corporate entrepreneur or a new venture entrepreneur.
Topics include a critical appraisal of the efficient market hypothesis, asset allocation using the Markowitz mean-variance framework, fundamental and technical analysis, and mutual fund performance evaluation.
Outcomes: Students will understand how stocks and other assets are selected; how economic and company information is monitored and used to adjust portfolio holdings; and how portfolios can be optimized to achieve targeted risk/return characteristics.
FINC 356: Topics in Investment Banking and Asset Management (3)
This course examines selected topics in investment banking and asset management, including stock and bond offerings, private equity, buyouts, mergers and acquisitions. Students in the course research publicly traded companies, write equity research reports and pitch investment ideas; they also mentor junior analysts in the Rambler Investment Fund (RIF).
FINC 399: Topics in Investment Banking and Asset Management (3)
Scheduled classes are offered on an ad hoc basis. Specific titles, prerequisites and content may vary. **Prerequisites: Junior Standing.
School of Communication
COMM 365: Naturalistic Methods in Communication Research (3)
This course examines how communication research is conducted in naturalistic settings using qualitative methods associated with observation and in-depth interviewing. Outcomes: Students will become familiar with the reading and evaluation of communication research, and apply the concepts studied in class to the design and development of a research project.
COMM 368: Critical Ethnography in Communication (3)
This course teaches principles of participant-observation research as a critical practice to produce a 'thick description' of meanings, values, hierarchies of interests, power structures and ideals of a particular cultural group or community. Outcomes: Students learn to conduct ethnographic research and its procedures, taking field notes, conducting interviews, examination of data and artifacts, and producing research results to a public audience.