Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago An Interdisciplinary Center in the College of Arts and Sciences Center for Research on International Affairs



Peer Reviewed Academic

“War and International Business: Insights from Political Science” Molly Melin, Andres Calle, Santiago Sosa, and Ivan Montiel. 2023. AIB Insights 23(1). (Link: https://insights.aib.world/article/68323-war-and-international-business-insights-from-political-science)

The Building and Breaking of Peace: Corporate Activities in Civil War Prevention and Resolution. Molly Melin. 2021. Oxford University Press. (Link: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-building-and-breaking-of-peace-9780197579367?cc=us&lang=en&)

The Business of Peace: Understanding Corporate Contributions to Conflict Management.” Molly Melin. 2021. International Interactions 47(1) 107-134. (Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03050629.2020.1723581)

“Business, Peace and World Politics: The Role of Third Parties in Conflict Resolution.” Molly Melin. 2016. Business Horizons: 59(5): 493-501. (Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0007681316300143)

OpEds & Policy

“CEOs Beware: “Feel Good” Isolation of Russia Might Make Things Worse.” War on the Rocks. April 11th, 2022. (Link: https://warontherocks.com/2022/04/ceos-beware-feel-good-isolation-of-russia-might-make-things-worse/)”


Ongoing Research

Question: How might Chicago learn from international conflict resolution efforts?

“Violence and Peacebuilding in Chicago” (Molly Melin and undergraduate student Michael Claussen). Working paper.

Question: How might firms encourage negotiations in civil wars?

“MNCs and Peacemaking: The Role of Private Firms in Civil War Negotiations” (Molly Melin with LUC graduate student Mihir Modi and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa) forthcoming in Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

Question: How can non-profits, community organizations, and international organizations promote peace?

“Civil Society & Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and Senegal” (Molly Melin with Queen’s University Belfast graduate student Dale Pankhurst and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa) working paper.

“International Organizations, Firms, and Peace Agreements.” Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Molly M. Melin.

“Post conflict entrepreneurs in Colombia and Northern Uganda” (Molly Melin with Kenyan researcher Nelly Kibeto and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa and Sofia Montoya).

Question: How do opportunities to start businesses encourage transitions to peace and legal commerce?

“The Missing Peace: Understanding Entrepreneurship in Conflict Prevention and Resolution” (Molly Melin). Data collection and book manuscript.

“Economic Reintegration in Treaties and Peace Outcomes” (Molly Melin with LUC graduate student Elisa D’Amico and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa). Working paper.

Question: How might businesses build peace in diverse settings?

“Business and conflict in a multi-ethnic context - the case of Indonesia" (Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Ratri Istania). Working paper.

Question: How can corporations fight corruption amidst natural resources?

“The impact of corruption on the relationship between PE & P - the case of the DRC." (Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Toussant Kafahire). Working paper.”


Peer Reviewed Academic

“War and International Business: Insights from Political Science” Molly Melin, Andres Calle, Santiago Sosa, and Ivan Montiel. 2023. AIB Insights 23(1). (Link: https://insights.aib.world/article/68323-war-and-international-business-insights-from-political-science)

The Building and Breaking of Peace: Corporate Activities in Civil War Prevention and Resolution. Molly Melin. 2021. Oxford University Press. (Link: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-building-and-breaking-of-peace-9780197579367?cc=us&lang=en&)

The Business of Peace: Understanding Corporate Contributions to Conflict Management.” Molly Melin. 2021. International Interactions 47(1) 107-134. (Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03050629.2020.1723581)

“Business, Peace and World Politics: The Role of Third Parties in Conflict Resolution.” Molly Melin. 2016. Business Horizons: 59(5): 493-501. (Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0007681316300143)

OpEds & Policy

“CEOs Beware: “Feel Good” Isolation of Russia Might Make Things Worse.” War on the Rocks. April 11th, 2022. (Link: https://warontherocks.com/2022/04/ceos-beware-feel-good-isolation-of-russia-might-make-things-worse/)”


Ongoing Research

Question: How might Chicago learn from international conflict resolution efforts?

“Violence and Peacebuilding in Chicago” (Molly Melin and undergraduate student Michael Claussen). Working paper.

Question: How might firms encourage negotiations in civil wars?

“MNCs and Peacemaking: The Role of Private Firms in Civil War Negotiations” (Molly Melin with LUC graduate student Mihir Modi and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa) forthcoming in Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

Question: How can non-profits, community organizations, and international organizations promote peace?

“Civil Society & Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and Senegal” (Molly Melin with Queen’s University Belfast graduate student Dale Pankhurst and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa) working paper.

“International Organizations, Firms, and Peace Agreements.” Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Molly M. Melin.

“Post conflict entrepreneurs in Colombia and Northern Uganda” (Molly Melin with Kenyan researcher Nelly Kibeto and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa and Sofia Montoya).

Question: How do opportunities to start businesses encourage transitions to peace and legal commerce?

“The Missing Peace: Understanding Entrepreneurship in Conflict Prevention and Resolution” (Molly Melin). Data collection and book manuscript.

“Economic Reintegration in Treaties and Peace Outcomes” (Molly Melin with LUC graduate student Elisa D’Amico and EAFIT Medellín’s Santiago Sosa). Working paper.

Question: How might businesses build peace in diverse settings?

“Business and conflict in a multi-ethnic context - the case of Indonesia" (Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Ratri Istania). Working paper.

Question: How can corporations fight corruption amidst natural resources?

“The impact of corruption on the relationship between PE & P - the case of the DRC." (Alexandru V. Grigorescu and Toussant Kafahire). Working paper.”