Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago An Interdisciplinary Center in the College of Arts and Sciences Center for Research on International Affairs

Application for students interested in conducting research in the PEP Lab

Please copy text into Word document, fill out, and send to mmelin@luc.edu:


Name:                                                                                                            Email:


Major:                                                                                                 GPA Overall:


Year in School:



  1. What computer experience do you have (e.g. word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, programming)? Please list specific languages and software packages.



  1. What language skills do you have?



  1. What communications (e.g., twitter, website, newsletter) experience do you have?



  1. What is your experience with diversity?



  1. Previous research experience:



  1. What are your plans after graduation?



  1. Why are you interested in working in the Private Enterprise & Peace Lab?




  1. Are there any specific research areas of or regions you are interested in?




  1. What skills do you hope to gain by working in the lab?



  1. How do your goals align with our mission?



  1. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?



  1. Please list your semester schedule (classes, days, times) on a second page:


  1. Please add your current CV to the application form



I certify that all information this application provides is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Signature: ____________________

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Please email your completed application to: mmelin@luc.edu

Please copy text into Word document, fill out, and send to mmelin@luc.edu:


Name:                                                                                                            Email:


Major:                                                                                                 GPA Overall:


Year in School:



  1. What computer experience do you have (e.g. word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, programming)? Please list specific languages and software packages.



  1. What language skills do you have?



  1. What communications (e.g., twitter, website, newsletter) experience do you have?



  1. What is your experience with diversity?



  1. Previous research experience:



  1. What are your plans after graduation?



  1. Why are you interested in working in the Private Enterprise & Peace Lab?




  1. Are there any specific research areas of or regions you are interested in?




  1. What skills do you hope to gain by working in the lab?



  1. How do your goals align with our mission?



  1. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?



  1. Please list your semester schedule (classes, days, times) on a second page:


  1. Please add your current CV to the application form



I certify that all information this application provides is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Signature: ____________________

Date: [MM/DD/YYYY]


Please email your completed application to: mmelin@luc.edu