
CSME Article on CPS Science Master Teacher Leader Program

CSME Article on CPS Science Master Teacher Leader Program

The Learning Professional Cover Page

CSME staff and faculty recently published an article in The Learning Forward Journal, The Learning Professional. "Science curriculum gets a boost from teacher leaders", published in the December 2023 issue, takes a deep dive into the design, learning goals, and impact of our K-8 Science Master Teacher Leadership Cohort in partnership with CPS. To read this issue of The Learning Professional and our article, visit https://learningforward.org/the-learning-professional/ and look for the December 2023 issue, Taking the Next Step.

The Learning Professional Cover Page

CSME staff and faculty recently published an article in The Learning Forward Journal, The Learning Professional. "Science curriculum gets a boost from teacher leaders", published in the December 2023 issue, takes a deep dive into the design, learning goals, and impact of our K-8 Science Master Teacher Leadership Cohort in partnership with CPS. To read this issue of The Learning Professional and our article, visit https://learningforward.org/the-learning-professional/ and look for the December 2023 issue, Taking the Next Step.