
CSME Team Presents on Science Teacher Leadership at NSTA Denver 2024

The CSME team had the privilege of attending and presenting at the Nation Science Teaching Association’s National Conference in Denver in March of 2024. CSME science instructional coaches Sarah Stults and Kayla Cherry presented Engineering District Science Leaders. This presentation focused on the collaboration between CSME and the CPS Department of STEM to develop Chicago Public School’s K-8 Science Master Teacher Leader Academy (MTLA).

Education leaders from across the country had the opportunity to discover how a professional learning structure that blends learning science instructional best practices with developing leadership capacity can be leveraged in their contexts. The presentation featured a rationale for leveraging teacher leadership, a video of the cohort in action, a timeline of the design iterations the academy has undergone, a summary of the criteria and constraints the cohort has seen, and the lessons learned throughout the process.

If you would like to view the presentation and resources shared, follow this Google Drive link.

Kayla and Sarah presenting at NSTA

Kayla presenting at NSTA

The CSME team had the privilege of attending and presenting at the Nation Science Teaching Association’s National Conference in Denver in March of 2024. CSME science instructional coaches Sarah Stults and Kayla Cherry presented Engineering District Science Leaders. This presentation focused on the collaboration between CSME and the CPS Department of STEM to develop Chicago Public School’s K-8 Science Master Teacher Leader Academy (MTLA).

Education leaders from across the country had the opportunity to discover how a professional learning structure that blends learning science instructional best practices with developing leadership capacity can be leveraged in their contexts. The presentation featured a rationale for leveraging teacher leadership, a video of the cohort in action, a timeline of the design iterations the academy has undergone, a summary of the criteria and constraints the cohort has seen, and the lessons learned throughout the process.

If you would like to view the presentation and resources shared, follow this Google Drive link.

Kayla and Sarah presenting at NSTA

Kayla presenting at NSTA