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CURA Network

Providing cura personalis through a university-wide coordinated effort

WELCOME TO THE CURA NETWORK: As a centralized website for reporting student concerns, the CURA Network, led by the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS), provides support, coordination, case management, and resource referrals for student concerns across the university. To report a student concern, select the corresponding section to learn more and to submit a referral.

Our dedicated staff members are here to support students, wherever they are. If you are a student who is in need of support, has questions about navigating the university during these challenging times, is in distress (or know a student who is), or is experiencing food and/or housing insecurity, please submit a referral through one of the reporting links on this page. Staff will be in touch with students and will be supporting through e-mail, phone, video-conferencing (e.g., Zoom), and in-person appointments. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 or Loyola's Campus Safety at 773.508.SAFE (7233).

Note: For confidential support related to gender-based violence, visit Wellness Center's advocacy services through The Line.

For more information about the CURA Network, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 773.508.8840 or deanofstudents@LUC.edu.


Use for: Reporting alleged or suspected gender-based or bias-motivated misconduct by any student, staff, or faculty member; reporting any discriminatory conduct by any University employee. Examples include reports of sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence, and harassment/misconduct of any kind motivated by bias against a protected class such as race, religion, etc. 

Note: Reports may be submitted anonymously; reports will be assigned to one or more University investigators for follow-up.

Important note: To speak with a confidential Advocate who has been trained to assist with issues related to gender-based violence, visit the Wellness Center. 

Contact: Samantha Maher Sheahan, Associate Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Office of the Dean of Students