The Center for Diversity and Inclusion is honored and excited to recognize recipients of diversity awards for the 12th year. Awards are designed to highlight and showcase key Loyola University Chicago students, alumni, faculty, and staff members who have contributed to the success of our diverse student population academically, spiritually, culturally and professionally. They also highlight outstanding individuals who have committed themselves to embrace diversity and social justice at Loyola and within their community.
Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to review information about award criteria and deadlines, for not only the Diversity Awards, but the additional awards showcased at the Excellence Awards.
CDI Emerging Leader Award
This award recognizes a first or second-year undergraduate student who has motivated other members of the University to strive for excellence. This individual embraces diversity and serves humanity through learning, justice, and faith. They are committed to their own personal learning and development along with the growth of their peers.
- Current first or second-year student [someone who will have completed less than 60 credits at Loyola University Chicago, as of the time of nominations for this award]
- Includes Arrupe College students
- Must anticipate completing two semesters, or the equivalent, at Loyola University Chicago or Arrupe College by September 2022.
- Must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above, as listed in LOCUS.
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, and administrators
- Self-nominations are prohibited
- Limited to one recipient. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
CDI Social Justice in Action Award
This award recognizes a current LUC undergraduate, graduate/professional, or Arrupe College student who has demonstrated leadership in assisting the University in responding to its commitment to diversity. This student has worked to develop a university community that appreciates and respects all facets of diversity. This student’s leadership initiatives are at the forefront of exploring issues regarding diversity and they are actively working to expand their knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice and faith.
- Must anticipate completing two semesters, or the equivalent, at Loyola University Chicago by September 2022.
- Includes Arrupe College students
- Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student or graduate/professional student
- Must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above as listed on LOCUS.
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, and administrators
- Self-nominations are prohibited
- Limited to one recipient. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
CDI Father Arrupe Award
This award recognizes a graduate or professional student that has made an outstanding contribution to their department, to students, and the LUC community. This individual has promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion and found an appropriate balance between their educational goals and the desire to help underrepresented students succeed.
- Must anticipate completing two semesters, or the equivalent, at Loyola University Chicago as a graduate student and anticipate completing a minimum of fifteen credits at Loyola University Chicago by September 2022.
- Must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above, as listed in LOCUS.
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, and administrators
- Self-nominations are prohibited
- Limited to one recipient. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
CDI Community and Solidarity Award
This award recognizes an active registered or sponsored student organization that has shown exemplary commitment to the University community and has made a great effort to provide underrepresented students with a supplemental source of support. This organization is a role model for any group working with and serving underrepresented students.
- Any currently registered or sponsored student organization including graduate and professional student orgs
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, or administrators
- Limited to one organization. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
- Self-nominations are prohibited
CDI Transformative Education Award
This award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated a commitment to student development and has gone beyond their administrative role to address the needs and concerns of underrepresented students. This individual provides students with the opportunities to explore issues regarding diversity, identity development, multicultural education, social justice, and leadership initiatives. This ultimately enhances the retention, matriculation, and success of historically underrepresented students.
- Any full-time, part-time, tenure-track or adjunct faculty member is eligible.
- UNIV 101 instructors are ineligible
- Must have worked at Loyola University Chicago for at least two semesters, or the equivalent, as of January 2022
- Includes Arrupe College faculty
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, and administrators
- Limited to one recipient. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
- Self-nominations are prohibited
- A nomination must be approved by Human Resources
CDI Lifelong Commitment to Justice Award
This award recognizes a professional staff member who has shown a strong commitment to student development and has gone beyond their administrative role to address the needs and concerns of underrepresented students.
- Any full-time or part-time staff member, including UNIV 101 Instructors
- Must have worked at Loyola University Chicago for at least twelve months as of January 1, 2022
- Includes Arrupe College staff
- Nominated by faculty, staff, students, or administrators
- Limited to one recipient. Previous award winners are not eligible for nomination
- Self-nominations are prohibited
- A nomination must be approved by Human Resources
The Center for Diversity and Inclusion is honored and excited to recognize recipients of diversity awards for the 12th year. Awards are designed to highlight and showcase key Loyola University Chicago students, alumni, faculty, and staff members who have contributed to the success of our diverse student population academically, spiritually, culturally and professionally. They also highlight outstanding individuals who have committed themselves to embrace diversity and social justice at Loyola and within their community.
Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to review information about award criteria and deadlines, for not only the Diversity Awards, but the additional awards showcased at the Excellence Awards.