Jackson, Ava

Title/s:  Assistant Professor

Office #:  Lewis Towers, 10th floor, Office 1038

Phone: 773.505.6773

Email: Ajackson29@luc.edu

CV Link: /media/lucedu/education/faculty/cv/CV_AJ_Spring 2023.pdf


My research looks at the intersections of learning and identity development in critical pedagogical and disciplinary learning environments. Using ethnographic, micro-ethnographic, interaction, discourse, survey, and community-based methods of data collection and analysis, my work highlights the developmental and learning processes that foster situated disciplinary, racial, and political identities in expansive disciplinary educational contexts, and how these identities shape student participation and sense-making over time and across contexts


Program Areas

Research Interests


Selected Publications

  1. Jackson, A. (under review). Expansive History Education: Exploring the relational and cognitive processes of learning in a liberation-oriented U.S. history class. Potential Journal: Journal of the Learning Sciences.
  2. Jackson, A & Winchester, C. (in preparation). Critical Disciplinary Apprenticeship: Relationality, axiology, and intentionality in the development of critical pedagogy in history education. Potential Journal: Journal of Teacher Education.
  3. Jackson, A. (2021). Critical History Education: A Case-Study of Design, Learning, and Identity in a High School History Class (Order No. 28769966). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2614805277).
  4. Jackson, A. (2021) Design Principles as Cultural Resources: pedagogical improvisation and bridging critical theory and practice. Mind, Culture, and Activity. https://doi.org/10.1080/10749039.2021.1882500
  5. Vossoughi, S., Davis, N., Jackson, A., Echevarria, R. & Muñoz, A, & Escudé, M. (2021). Beyond the binary of adult versus child-centered learning: A close analysis of third-way pedagogies in the context of making. Cognition and Instruction. https://doi.org/10.1080/07370008.2020.1860052
  6. Vossoughi, S., Jackson, A., Chen, S., Roldan, W., & Escudé, M. (2020). Embodied pathways and ethical trails: Studying learning in and through relational histories. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 29(2), 183-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/10508406.2019.1693380
  7. Jackson, A. (2020). The Impact of Critical History Practices on History Learning. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1. International Society of the Learning Sciences. [ISLS].
  8. Jackson, A., Vogelstein, L., Clark, H., Linberg, L., Thompson, N., Uttamchandani, S. (2020). Learning Together: Reflections at the Intersection of Friendship, Research, and Learning Processes. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1. International Society of the Learning Sciences. [ISLS].
  9. Vossoughi, S., Jackson, A., Bang, M., Rosebery, A. S., Warren, B., & Philip, T. M. (2018). Attunements to the Ethical in Design and Learning. International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1. International Society of the Learning Sciences. [ISLS].