Innovative and Personalized Pedagogy
The Charge
Consider effective instruction for individual learners, allowing flexibility in pedagogical approaches and technological mediums to facilitate student-centered learning.
The pivot to distance learning was nothing short of chaotic.
In this unprecedented time, educators and families had their lives uprooted while attempting to maintain consistent access to schooling, albeit with technological mediums that few felt comfortable using.
But routine resulted in solid pedagogy, and families and educators found that some learners benefited from certain facets of online learning, particularly multilingual learners who felt safe taking risks with language from the comfort of home.
Families and educators contend that the whole of distance learning does not need to be thrown out the window, but rather schools can learn from what worked for student populations and continue to offer similar supports.
Potential Action Steps:
Invite educators and families to reflect and share what platforms, tools, and approaches worked for students during distance learning.
Continue to invest in those platforms, tools, and approaches so that they can be used to facilitate student learning when appropriate.
Encourage teachers to make flexible pedagogical decisions in response to students’ strengths and learning preferences.