Kyra Rudy, PhD
Kyra Rudy received a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Dr. Rudy’s PhD specialization was dynamics and control, and her thesis was entitled “Assessment and Assistance for Dynamic and Safety-Critical Human Motion.”
Selected Publications
- Kalinowska, M. Schlafly, K. Rudy, J. P. Dewald, T. D. Murphey (2022). Measuring Interaction Bandwidth During Physical Human-Robot Collaboration. Robotics and Automation Letters.
- Kalinowska, K. Rudy, M. Schlafly, K. Fitzsimons, J. Dewald, T. D. Murphey (2020). Shoulder Abduction Loading Affects Motor Coordination in Individuals with Chronic Stroke, Informing Targeted Rehabilitation. IEEE RAS/EMBS Int. Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics.
- D. Wolf, N. Dunkelberger, C. McDonald, K. Rudy, M. O’Malley, C. Beck, E. Schearer (2017). Combining Functional Electrical Stimulation and a Powered Exoskeleton to Control Elbow Flexion. The International Symposium on Wearable and Rehabilitation Robotics.