
Discrimination Policy

Discrimination is the different treatment of another person, based wholly or partially on a person’s actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s). When substantiated, discrimination will be appropriately addressed and remedied, whether through Sanctions, Responsive Interventions, or both.

Discrimination can take two primary forms:

  • Disparate treatment discrimination is the intentional differential treatment of a person based wholly or partially on actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s) and that excludes a person from participation in, denies the person the benefits of, or otherwise adversely affects the person’s participation in the University’s Education Program or Activity.
  • Disparate impact discrimination occurs when policies or practices that appear neutral unintentionally result in a disproportionate impact on one or more person(s) with Protected Characteristic(s) that excludes the person from participation in, denies the person the benefits of, or otherwise adversely affects the person’s participation in the University’s Education Program or Activity.

Disparate treatment discrimination may result in Sanctions; whereas disparate impact discrimination may be remedied through Responsive Interventions, as applicable.

In addition to these forms of discrimination per se, the following behaviors are also prohibited as forms of discrimination:

1.   Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory harassment is defined generally as intentional, unwelcome, and offensive conduct towards a person on the basis of one or more actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s).

Discriminatory harassment can create a hostile environment when the unwelcome conduct, based on the totality of the circumstances, is both subjectively and objectively offensive and is so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s Education Program or Activity.

Objective offensiveness is assessed from the position of a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances as the Affected Party. Discriminatory harassment may – but need not – include physical or verbal abuse, the use of slurs, epithets, or derogatory terms, threats, mockery, intimidation, bullying, and/or hazing.

When a hostile environment has been created due to discriminatory harassment, Loyola will take reasonable, timely, and effective steps to eliminate the hostile environment and to remedy the resulting harm.

a.    Sex-Based Discriminatory Harassment TIX

Sex-based discriminatory harassment is explicitly prohibited under Title IX, and encompasses discriminatory harassment on the basis of sex, including sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

2.   Failure to Accommodate for Disability, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, or Religious Belief

Loyola is committed to providing reasonable accommodations/modifications for qualified persons with disabilities, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, or religious beliefs, in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and/or local laws.

Failure by a faculty or staff employee of the University to provide a reasonable accommodation in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and/or local laws is a form of discrimination and is prohibited.

Any person who believes that – after having duly followed the instructions and procedures as directed by the Student Accessibility Center or applicable office (for Students) or Human Resources (for employees) – a Loyola faculty or staff employee has not implemented reasonable accommodations as required by University policies and/or applicable law may report the matter to the OEC for investigation. 

3.   Other Discriminatory Misconduct

The substantiated violation of any other University policy may constitute other discriminatory misconduct when – based on the totality of circumstances – it appears more likely than not that the violation was motivated by a person’s actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s).

Discrimination is the different treatment of another person, based wholly or partially on a person’s actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s). When substantiated, discrimination will be appropriately addressed and remedied, whether through Sanctions, Responsive Interventions, or both.

Discrimination can take two primary forms:

  • Disparate treatment discrimination is the intentional differential treatment of a person based wholly or partially on actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s) and that excludes a person from participation in, denies the person the benefits of, or otherwise adversely affects the person’s participation in the University’s Education Program or Activity.
  • Disparate impact discrimination occurs when policies or practices that appear neutral unintentionally result in a disproportionate impact on one or more person(s) with Protected Characteristic(s) that excludes the person from participation in, denies the person the benefits of, or otherwise adversely affects the person’s participation in the University’s Education Program or Activity.

Disparate treatment discrimination may result in Sanctions; whereas disparate impact discrimination may be remedied through Responsive Interventions, as applicable.

In addition to these forms of discrimination per se, the following behaviors are also prohibited as forms of discrimination:

1.   Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory harassment is defined generally as intentional, unwelcome, and offensive conduct towards a person on the basis of one or more actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s).

Discriminatory harassment can create a hostile environment when the unwelcome conduct, based on the totality of the circumstances, is both subjectively and objectively offensive and is so severe or pervasive that it limits or denies a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s Education Program or Activity.

Objective offensiveness is assessed from the position of a reasonable person in the same or similar circumstances as the Affected Party. Discriminatory harassment may – but need not – include physical or verbal abuse, the use of slurs, epithets, or derogatory terms, threats, mockery, intimidation, bullying, and/or hazing.

When a hostile environment has been created due to discriminatory harassment, Loyola will take reasonable, timely, and effective steps to eliminate the hostile environment and to remedy the resulting harm.

a.    Sex-Based Discriminatory Harassment TIX

Sex-based discriminatory harassment is explicitly prohibited under Title IX, and encompasses discriminatory harassment on the basis of sex, including sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

2.   Failure to Accommodate for Disability, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, or Religious Belief

Loyola is committed to providing reasonable accommodations/modifications for qualified persons with disabilities, Pregnancy or Related Conditions, or religious beliefs, in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and/or local laws.

Failure by a faculty or staff employee of the University to provide a reasonable accommodation in compliance with applicable University policies and federal, state, and/or local laws is a form of discrimination and is prohibited.

Any person who believes that – after having duly followed the instructions and procedures as directed by the Student Accessibility Center or applicable office (for Students) or Human Resources (for employees) – a Loyola faculty or staff employee has not implemented reasonable accommodations as required by University policies and/or applicable law may report the matter to the OEC for investigation. 

3.   Other Discriminatory Misconduct

The substantiated violation of any other University policy may constitute other discriminatory misconduct when – based on the totality of circumstances – it appears more likely than not that the violation was motivated by a person’s actual or perceived Protected Characteristic(s).