Loyola University Chicago

English Language Learning Program

Loyola’s ESL program

Wellness Center

The type of services that the Wellness center offers include: Counseling, Dial-A-Nurse, Group offerings, Health Education, Medical Services, Nutrition, Therapy Dog and Peer Health educators. You can find descriptions of these services here: http://www.luc.edu/wellness/services/
In order to enroll into your classes you will always need to keep your Immunization Records up to date. You can visit the website and get the form here: http://www.luc.edu/wellness/tools/forms/
Required Vaccines for all incoming students
  • Measles (2)
  • Mumps (2)
  • Rubella (2)
  • A series of 3 diphtheria/tetanus shots are required. One must be TDAP, and must be given within the last ten years prior to enrollment.
  • Meningitis (required if student is under the age of 22; Must be given on or after the age of 16 years: Menomune and Meningitis B do NOT meet this requirement)
Recommended Vaccines
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza (during flu season)
  • Varicella
Some recommended vaccines are available at the Wellness Center.
For more information regarding Immunizations needed visit: http://www.luc.edu/wellness/tools/immunizations/ or Contact the Wellness Center at (773) 508-8883