
Swetha Chandrasekar

B.S. Biochemistry, Interdisciplinary Honors Program, Loyola University Chicago Class of 2025

Swetha Chandrasekar (She/Her/Hers) is an Interdisciplinary Honors Program student and Biochemistry major in the College of Arts and Sciences. On-campus, she is heavily involved inorganizations such as the Student Government of Loyola Chicago (SGLC) and GlobeMed. Off-campus, she works to expand medical career-related resources for students as an Outreach Specialist for Medical Insider. Her undergraduate research encompasses public health, technology, and biomedicine. Her most recent project with the University of Illinois Chicago Cancer Center ResearcHStart Program revolves around the efficacy of digital health technologies for cancer patients’ wellbeing. In the future, she hopes to pursue a dual MD-PhD degree and propel public health initiatives, biomedical advances, and mentorship opportunities for underrepresented students in STEM.