Title/s: Pronouns: she/her<br /> Year: Senior<br /> Major: Sociology<br /> Hometown: Portland, OR<br />
What are some of your interests outside the Gannon Scholars program?
Outside of Gannon, I am involved in the Interdisciplinary Honors Program, and I work on anthropology research about culturally responsive interventions to gender-based violence. In my classes and extracurriculars, I am particularly interested in learning about queer history, education, and sociology. I am grateful for these educational opportunities and look forward to further involving myself in the Loyola and Rogers Park communities. I love to spend as much time in nature as possible, and I often try to pick up new crafting hobbies like sewing and crochet!
Why is the mission of the Gannon Scholars important to you?
The mission of the Gannon Scholars program is important to me because it connects education with social justice, which I find incredibly meaningful. Oftentimes in academia, education and leadership are treated as separate from social justice issues, despite the impacts that social inequity has on every aspect of society. I love that the Gannon Center emphasizes leadership and empowerment, encouraging Gannon Scholars to integrate social justice into every aspect of their lives.