
Celebrating Black History

December 16, 2020

Dear Loyola Community,

The Executive Council on Diversity and Inclusion is excited to announce Loyola University Chicago's annual Celebration of Black History, which will commemorate both the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the week of January 25 and Black History in February. A series of highly engaging events and activities will reflect this year’s theme, From Dream to Reality: Voices of Hope and Action.

University students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the greater Chicago community are invited to attend upcoming programming that will be made available virtually through Zoom. We are planning an exciting lineup of speakers to include local and national celebrities, Loyola alumni, and current staff and faculty engaged in this important ongoing work. Speakers will soon be announced and available online at LUC.edu/cbh. In addition, we encourage your participation in the following activities:

Interfaith Dialogue 
We invite you to attend the Interfaith Dialogue Panel discussion on Tuesday, January 26 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Central time. Loyola faculty, staff, and students will come together to share how various faith-based activities incorporate Dr. King's principles, engage in discussion with faith-based experts, and learn about Hinduism, Catholicism, Islam, and Judaism. Visit LUC.edu/cbh to register to attend.  

Faculty and Staff Black History Research Symposium
In February, the inaugural Faculty and Staff Black History Research Symposium launches to highlight research and practicum initiatives that demonstrate how collective and/or grassroots efforts are working towards closing inequity gaps. Participants will learn how faculty and staff advocate for empowerment and encourage cultural development experiences across academic, social, political, economic, and/or health and wellness arenas for African American and Black-identified communities. If you are interested in presenting, please visit LUC.edu/cbh to learn how you can submit a presentation by January 15.

Virtual Book Discussion
In support of our theme, we are pleased to commemorate late Congressman John Lewis, civil rights icon and winner of the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work, with a virtual book discussion. We invite the Loyola community to read Congressman Lewis’ timely selection Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America and plan to join us for a rich discussion on Friday, January 29 from 12-1 p.m. Central time. Visit LUC.edu/cbh to register to attend.

Virtual MLK Service Days
In response to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, we invite Ramblers to join us in celebrating virtually through shared service opportunities in the name and spirit of Dr. King. These service opportunities are designed to expand upon existing community efforts in alignment with our commitment to work and live for and with others. You may participate in one or more of our available service activities taking place January 15-31. Interested in participating? Visit LUC.edu/cbh for volunteer and registration details. 

Rambler Video Series
Loyola students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to participate in the University’s 2021 Black History Celebration by submitting a short video highlighting support of this year’s theme, From Dream to Reality: Voices of Hope and Action. Entries are due by February 5, and may include readings of personal work, professional work, or personal photos. Selected videos will be shared online throughout January and February.

To learn more about programming, please visit LUC.edu/cbh.

We look forward to you joining us as we virtually celebrate Black history as an interconnected global community.


Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer