
December 2021 Human Resources Updates

December 16, 2021 

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

Human Resources is pleased to provide updates and announce upcoming programs and services for our Loyola University Chicago community. Please review the information below to learn more about the Trinity Health/Aetna Contract Negotiations, a notice about the Summary Annual Reports available online, and a reminder to review both your retirement savings information and personal information before the end of the year. 

Update on Trinity Health/Aetna Contract Negotiations
As a follow-up to our October 2021 communication, contract renewal negotiations between Trinity Health and Aetna continue to be in progress. Both parties have agreed that in-network services provided by Loyola University Medical Center (LUMC) will continue through January 31, 2022. This extension provides time for Trinity and Aetna to continue their negotiations process. 

Please be advised that there are no changes to the University’s current medical plan coverage under Aetna for any medical care at LUMC. All plan coverage for in-network services at LUMC remains the same through January 31, 2022. You should continue to see your Loyola Medicine doctor and seek care as needed at LUMC and facilities as you normally would. Loyola University Health System leadership are hopeful that the negotiations between Aetna and Trinity’s national network of hospitals and providers will ultimately be resolved soon, not just for LUC employees but also for everyone insured through Aetna across the country.   

Review Your Retirement Savings
Loyola’s partnership with Transamerica Retirement Solutions (TRS) allows employees to make elective contributions to the Defined Retirement Contribution Plan (DCRP). Please log in to your Transamerica account to review your contact information, including beneficiary designations, and review your contribution savings percentage. In addition, you can schedule a one-on-one meeting with a TRS representative to discuss financial planning and savings strategies. Please visit the Transamerica Scheduler website in order to schedule an appointment. 

Summary Annual Reports
At the end of every plan year, Loyola is required by the U.S. Department of Labor to provide employees with access to a Summary Annual Report for each benefit plan they may have participated in during the previous year. The 2020 Summary Annual Reports are available online

Review Your Personal and Tax Withholding Information
Please review your personal information in advance of January for your 2021 W-2 and 1095-c. Using your most recent paycheck stub in Employee Self-Service, please review the spelling of your name and address. You can update your own address in the Employee Self-Service portal and you can submit the Change of Name form to Human Resources. 

Additionally, please review your federal and state tax withholdings. You can view and update your current federal tax withholding elections on your own by using the Federal Tax Withholding link in the Employee Self-Service portal. The Illinois state W-4 form and other state withholding forms can be found here. To make any changes to your state tax withholding, complete the appropriate form and submit it to Human Resources via email to hr-payroll-processing@LUC.edu using Loyola Secure Transfer

Thank you for your thoughtful review of this information. If you have questions, please contact Human Resources at benefits@LUC.edu or 312-915-6175. 


Human Resources