
Joint Compliance Training

February 24, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

As we move through the spring semester, we are reminding the University community about our concerted effort to support compliance and inclusivity across all campuses. In alignment with the University’s commitment to creating and fostering a considerate and welcoming experience for everyone, Information Technology Services (ITS), Human Resources (HR), and the Office for Equity and Compliance (OEC) are preparing to launch three online training modules. The courses are designed to help us maintain compliance with respective laws.

In addition, the training programs include a reminder regarding necessary steps to ensure that information and records are adequately safeguarded, along with actions to take to prevent harassment in our University community and appropriate practices to support those with a responsibility to report incidents of sexual misconduct. 

ITS, HR, and OEC thank you in advance for completing the required designated training programs. Course completion demonstrates a high level of respect for everyone. Your support affirms our collective commitment to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful academic and workplace environment at Loyola University Chicago. Please find below the required courses based on specific audiences. 

Email invitations for assigned courses will be sent this week; the courses must be completed by March 27.

  1. Information Security and FERPA Awareness Training
    Facilitator: Information Technology Services | Audience: All Faculty and Staff
    Sender: notifications@securityiq-notifications.com

    As part of Loyola’s efforts to secure protected personal, financial, and educational information, all full- and part-time faculty and staff are required to complete Information Security Awareness Training each semester.

    In today’s world of ever-changing information security threats, awareness training is one of the best ways to protect the University’s information assets and your own personal identity. Additionally, awareness training teaches us how to prevent data breaches and loss; to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the academic and personal information that is entrusted to us by our students and fellow faculty and staff members; and to reduce costly errors. Awareness and compliance training increases awareness of Loyola’s security policies, procedures, and best practices; shares some of the pitfalls and actions you can take to handle and protect this information properly; and reinforces the responsibility that everyone at Loyola has to protect University assets. This semester, awareness training will be focused on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the steps to take if you’ve been hacked.

  2. Harassment Prevention Training
    Facilitator: Human Resources | Audience: All Faculty and Staff
    Sender: hr-training@LUC.edu

    Loyola maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of harassment; harassment is a violation of University policy and is prohibited by law. In the spirit of upholding the University’s values, we encourage you to prepare to complete the upcoming mandatory annual harassment prevention training. This next phase of harassment prevention education represents consecutive training beyond the second phase, which was administered in 2018–2019, and supports Loyola’s commitment to building and preserving a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful campus community.

  3. Responsible Campus Partner Training: “Title IX for Higher Education”
    Facilitator: Office for Equity and Compliance | Audience: All Faculty, Staff, Graduate Assistants, and Resident Assistants
    Sender: hr-training@LUC.edu

    Responsible campus partners are mandated to report any suspected, witnessed, or disclosed sexual misconduct of any kind against any student or minor (regardless of where or when the misconduct took place) to the OEC within 24 hours. Please note: With limited exceptions, almost all faculty and staff are considered responsible campus partners. In an effort to ensure a basic understanding of the legal implications and requirements of Title IX, a course invitation to review and complete the “Title IX for Higher Education” training will be provided to individuals identified as responsible campus partners.

    In addition, as a Jesuit, Catholic institution dedicated to holistic care for all our students, Loyola’s policies and standards are in some cases higher than the minimum legal requirements. Subsequently, it is imperative that faculty and staff also familiarize themselves with the University’s Comprehensive Policy and Equitable Resolution Procedures for Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation. For faculty and staff seeking additional guidance, the University’s Community Coalition on Gender-Based Violence offers additional resources and suggested practices for fulfilling your role as a responsible campus partner.

We appreciate your participation and dedication to continued compliance and ongoing professional development. Your support benefits the entire University community.


Susan M. Malisch
Vice President and CIO, Information Technology Services

Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer