
Your Duty to Report

Loyola Community, 

All of our faculty and staff play an integral role in creating a campus culture in which gender-based misconduct is not tolerated. The University is committed to education, training, and services that cultivate and encourage healthy, safe, and respectful relationships and interactions. Our goal is to foster a supportive environment dedicated to the Jesuit traditions of justice and respect for others where all students have equitable access to education and where all faculty and staff experience a safe and productive workplace. 

In this spirit, I write to you today to remind each faculty and staff member of their mandated responsibility to report any incidents of gender-based misconduct that you are made aware of, even if it happened in the past. Gender-based misconduct includes discrimination based on actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or pregnancy or parenting status; dating and domestic violence; sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation); and stalking. Information on how to report can be found here

In an effort to make notifications easy and straightforward, all reports can be made via the EthicsLine Reporting Hotline website or by calling 855.603.6988. These resources are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Notifications submitted via this reporting hotline will be handled as promptly and discreetly as possible, with facts made available only to those who need to investigate and resolve the matter. 

Please remember that it is our staff and faculty’s responsibility to submit an EthicsLine report—not the student’s. However, you should also always inform survivors of gender-based misconduct of your duty to notify the University. Please know that incidents of gender-based misconduct will be investigated and resolved by trained University personnel. When requested by the survivor (student, faculty, or staff) or deemed necessary for the safety of the community, the incident may result in an informal resolution, a formal resolution through the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution or Human Resources, or a referral to local law enforcement. 

In the spring semester we will engage faculty and staff in Title IX education and training similar to the most recent sexual harassment training that Human Resources sponsored. We recognize and appreciate all faculty and staff members’ participation in these training initiatives. Ninety-minute training sessions, called “I’m Here For You,” are available if you would like to learn how best to support students around these difficult topics. Please contact Robin Berman, MSW, senior health educator and advocacy coordinator in our Wellness Center, at rberman1@LUC.edu if you would like to participate or help host a training for your department. Visit the updated Community Coalition on Gender-Based Violence website for further resources on how to support survivors. 

The University will continue to demonstrate care for survivors and respond to incidents of gender-based misconduct in a way that honors the dignity and rights of all. Thank you for playing a pivotal role in that important work and for your commitment to the safety and well-being of each member of the Loyola community. 


Thomas M. Kelly
Senior Vice President for Administrative Services
Title IX Coordinator