
Leave of Absence and Disability Insurance

Loyola University Chicago's administrator for Leave of Absence and Disability Programs is Matrix Absence Management. They also administer the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Paid Parental Leave, State Leave Laws where applicable, Military, Personal Medical, and Personal Leaves. 

Leave of Absence reporting can be completed three ways:

  • Telephonic reporting: 1.877.202.0055
  • Online reporting: matrixabsence.com (International submissions not accepted online)
  • Apple and Android applications 

Please visit the Leave of Absence Checklist for specific instructions on how to file a Leave of Absence claim with Matrix Absence Management. 

For additional Leave of Absence and disability programs information, please review the items below.

Notification of Absence

Currently, in case of absence due to a serious health condition for more than three consecutive workdays, an employee is required to:

  1. Notify his or her supervisor; 
  2. Must also report the leave to Matrix Absence Management:
  3. Please keep in mind, an employee may keep his/her benefits elections while on a paid leave of absence.
  4. Sick and vacation time will not accrue while receiving short-term disability benefits
  5. During a paid leave of absence, the University’s contribution to the defined contribution retirement plan (DCRP) will continue to be made for an employee on the basis of the compensation being paid by the University. In addition, any pay increases due an employee during an approved short-term disability will be delayed until the employee returns to work.
  6. Lakeside faculty members or a 10-month employee who becomes disabled while on a scheduled break in the academic schedule will not be considered as disabled until the date regular work activities are scheduled to resume.

For additional information, see the General Leave of Absence and Family/Medical Leave Act Policy.

How to File a Claim

Staff members who expect to be out of work for more than three days (e.g. Short-Term Disability) should:

  • Notify your supervisor
  • File the claim
  • Submit required documents to Matrix Absence Management for both processing and approval

Please see the Matrix Absence Management guide on how to file a claim with Matrix Absence Management.

Faculty members interested in learning more about how to file a Leave of Absence claim, please visit the Faculty Checklist.

Short-term Disability

Short-term disability (STD) coverage provides salary replacement to eligible employees during a medical leave due to non-work-related medical conditions that prevent one from performing regular work responsibilities for three or more days. This benefit is provided at no cost to employees.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability insurance terminates on your last day worked. Refer to the Benefits Booklet, located in the Resources section (upper right), for a summary of STD and LTD benefits.

Long-term Disability

Long-term disability (LTD) coverage provides 66-2/3% of salary replacement to eligible employees during a medical leave due to non-work-related medical conditions that prevent one from performing regular work responsibilities for more than 90 consecutive calendar days (more than 180 consecutive calendar days for faculty and administrators). This benefit is provided at no cost to employees.

Short-Term and Long-Term Disability insurance terminates on your last day worked. Refer to the Benefits Booklet, located in the Resources section (upper right), for a summary of STD and LTD benefits.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

A leave of absence may be granted to maintain continuity of service when extenuating circumstances require an employee's absence. Learn more about the Family and Medical Leave Act, including eligibility details:

Parental Leave

Refer to the Paid Parental Leave Policy for more information.

Faculty Maternity Leave

In lieu of paid parental leave, maternity leave guidelines apply to *eligible Faculty: one semester of paid maternity leave may be taken during the pregnancy or immediately thereafter the birth. 

Eligible Faculty is defined as a birth mother whose Faculty appointment is tenured, tenure-track, or non-tenure-track as described in the Faculty Handbook in Chapter 4, Sections A and B. Any portion of the semester leave that is medically related will be a paid medical leave under Short-term Disability benefits and the remainder of the leave for child care will be paid by the department. Eligible Faculty birth mothers are not eligible to take paid parental leave in addition to paid maternity leave.

A Faculty member who wishes to take a paid leave of absence is required to consult with his or her chairperson and/or dean no later than three months prior to the beginning of the planned leave to discuss the needs of both the Faculty member and the department/school. All maternity and paid parental leaves will be confirmed by the Provost, who also retains authority to grant exceptions or variations. 

*Birth mothers who are eligible Stritch School of Medicine faculty became eligible for one semester of paid maternity leave (formerly 12 weeks) for children born on or after January 1, 2019. This revision reinforces consistency in paid maternity leave for all faculty, and exceeds the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Workers' Compensation

The University will provide benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act and the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act for an employee who suffers an accidental injury or a disabling occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment by the University. 

Please see the Workers Compensation policy for additional information.