
Aetna Simple Steps to a Healthier Life

Aetna's Simple Steps to a Healthier Life® is an online wellness program that provides personalized information and self-help tools. This program is a confidential and rewarding online support system (including online health coaching) to help Loyola medical plan members to assess their health risks and incorporate real-life strategies for a healthier lifestyle. Read below to learn more how to get started, or visit www.Aetna.com/Loyola.

Step 1: Simple Health Assessment

The first step in the process is to take a simple health assessment. (Note: this health assessment takes about 10 minutes, and is not related to the HMI Health Power Assessment that is part of the requirements to attain the Wellness Premium.) You can: 

  • Learn about your health risks and how to lower them
  • Gain real-life tips for better well-being
  • Share results with your doctor, and more

Your responses are confidential, and as a result, you will get personal support. After taking the health assessment, Aetna will share programs specifically geared toward your health goals, including the potential to work with a health coach. 

  • To get started, log in to www.Aetna.com/Loyola. If you are new to the site, just click “Register.”
  • Then, click on the health assessment link under the “Stay Healthy” icon.

You can easily finish the assessment in a short period of time; however, the secure site will save your answers, so you can always return to finish it another time.

View theAetna Simple Steps Program Health Assessment Flyer for more details.

Step 2: Journeys Health Coaching

After taking the health assessment, results will show particular areas employees may wish to focus on to improve their health. Online health coaching programs ("Journeys") include a variety of topics such as: 

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Blood Pressure
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Eat Healthier
  • Financial Well-being
  • Get Active
  • Healthy Back
  • Heart Health
  • Parenting/Pregnancy
  • Sleep Well
  • Stress Less
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Weigh Less

To view complete descriptions of all the Journeys available within the suite of online health coaching programs in Simple Steps, view the Aetna Journeys Descriptions Flyer.