
Course Descriptions


IPS Summer Rome Program

June 10-20, 2022


IPS 599 - The Spirituality of Pilgrimage in the Context of Faith (Elective) 


Offered by Prof. Bill Schmidt


Pilgrimage is a transformational journey toward a sacred center. This IPS three credit course is an invitation to a deeper personal sacred journey in which our inner and outer experiences intersect. Sacred intentional travels can move us along the spiritual journey in heightened and accelerated ways, providing renewal as well as insights for life and work.

This course will use the unique environment of Rome as the external context with all its historical and contemporary relevance. While the days in Rome (and Assisi) will be largely experiential, the course will also include theological, practical, and reflective elements.  Students will prepare for the pilgrimage events by completing the course readings in the five weeks prior to the experience. In addition to course readings, personal narrative material, didactic and student participation and presentations, there will be specific experiential/spiritual/reflective activities during the process including: journaling/engagement with art and history/prayer and reflection at pilgrimage churches in Rome and beyond/meditative walking/Nature Immersion, etc.

IPS 572 - Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality 


Offered by Prof. Mike Canaris


This course invites students to consider the core elements and principles of the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.  It will include study of Ignatius's writings, relevant literature on the history and mission of the Jesuits, and intersections with historical and contemporary theological themes -- including the ecclesiology of Pope Francis, connections with other religious orders (particularly the Franciscan and Benedictine traditions), the development of pastoral skills like discernment and cura personalis, and familiarity with contemporary apostolates of the Society of Jesus in areas like ecological theology, migration, interreligious dialogue, and care for those of the human family who socio-political forces view as descartados ("disposable").  Site visits in Rome and Assisi will blend Ignatian landmarks (e.g. Loyola's rooms, the Gesu, the tombs of Bellarmine and Francis Xavier) with meetings in Rome, the Gregorian University, and the Holy See with those working on the front lines of Jesuit life today.  



IPS Summer Rome Program

June 10-20, 2022


IPS 599 - The Spirituality of Pilgrimage in the Context of Faith (Elective) 


Offered by Prof. Bill Schmidt


Pilgrimage is a transformational journey toward a sacred center. This IPS three credit course is an invitation to a deeper personal sacred journey in which our inner and outer experiences intersect. Sacred intentional travels can move us along the spiritual journey in heightened and accelerated ways, providing renewal as well as insights for life and work.

This course will use the unique environment of Rome as the external context with all its historical and contemporary relevance. While the days in Rome (and Assisi) will be largely experiential, the course will also include theological, practical, and reflective elements.  Students will prepare for the pilgrimage events by completing the course readings in the five weeks prior to the experience. In addition to course readings, personal narrative material, didactic and student participation and presentations, there will be specific experiential/spiritual/reflective activities during the process including: journaling/engagement with art and history/prayer and reflection at pilgrimage churches in Rome and beyond/meditative walking/Nature Immersion, etc.

IPS 572 - Introduction to Ignatian Spirituality 


Offered by Prof. Mike Canaris


This course invites students to consider the core elements and principles of the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.  It will include study of Ignatius's writings, relevant literature on the history and mission of the Jesuits, and intersections with historical and contemporary theological themes -- including the ecclesiology of Pope Francis, connections with other religious orders (particularly the Franciscan and Benedictine traditions), the development of pastoral skills like discernment and cura personalis, and familiarity with contemporary apostolates of the Society of Jesus in areas like ecological theology, migration, interreligious dialogue, and care for those of the human family who socio-political forces view as descartados ("disposable").  Site visits in Rome and Assisi will blend Ignatian landmarks (e.g. Loyola's rooms, the Gesu, the tombs of Bellarmine and Francis Xavier) with meetings in Rome, the Gregorian University, and the Holy See with those working on the front lines of Jesuit life today.