

Consent Documents

General Consent Template: This template covers all the basic elements that are required for a consent form. Even if you do not use this exact formatting, you should use this as a guide to ensure that you have covered all the appropriate information.

Electronic Consent Template: This variation on the General Consent Template is written with online research in mind.

Parental Consent Template: If your study includes minors, you will need a consent form for parents and an age appropriate assent form for minors.

Minor Assent Ages 13-17: This template is designed for older minors. A parental consent will also be needed for studies with this age group.

Minor Assent Ages 7-12: This template is designed for younger minors. A parental consent will also be needed for studies with this age group. Typically a written consent is not used for minors ages 6 and below.

Verbal Consent Template: In situations where written consent is inappropriate, a verbal consent may be approved by the IRB. It may still be useful to provide participants with a written version of information that is difficult to convey verbally, either through an Information Sheet or card with contact information.

Information Sheet Template: This template can provide participants with a record of the consent information when written consent is not being gathered.


Debriefing Template: This template can be used to design a debrief in studies where a debrief is needed. This includes studies where there has been deception.

Mental Health Resource List Template: This template can be used to design a mental health resource list for studies that cover topics that may be upsetting to participants.


Deed of Gift Template: This can be used to determine if participants are willing to have their research materials (including audio and video) gathered, used for research, or shared beyond the research project. If you plan to donate materials to an archive, you will need this template.

Participant Photo Release: This release template is used for photographs taken by a participant.

Subject Waiver Release Template: This release template is used for photographs of participants taken by the researcher.


Faculty Assurance Form: This form needs to be submitted to ORS by faculty who intended to have their students conduct research as part of a class learning experience. (See here [link to ‘Is IRB review required?’ page] for more information)

Not Human Subjects Research Determination From: If you aren’t sure if your project meets the definition of human subjects research (and therefore needs to be reviewed by the IRB), this form can help. If you need a formal letter from the IRB stating that your project is not human subjects research, submit the completed form to ORS.

Consent Documents

General Consent Template: This template covers all the basic elements that are required for a consent form. Even if you do not use this exact formatting, you should use this as a guide to ensure that you have covered all the appropriate information.

Electronic Consent Template: This variation on the General Consent Template is written with online research in mind.

Parental Consent Template: If your study includes minors, you will need a consent form for parents and an age appropriate assent form for minors.

Minor Assent Ages 13-17: This template is designed for older minors. A parental consent will also be needed for studies with this age group.

Minor Assent Ages 7-12: This template is designed for younger minors. A parental consent will also be needed for studies with this age group. Typically a written consent is not used for minors ages 6 and below.

Verbal Consent Template: In situations where written consent is inappropriate, a verbal consent may be approved by the IRB. It may still be useful to provide participants with a written version of information that is difficult to convey verbally, either through an Information Sheet or card with contact information.

Information Sheet Template: This template can provide participants with a record of the consent information when written consent is not being gathered.


Debriefing Template: This template can be used to design a debrief in studies where a debrief is needed. This includes studies where there has been deception.

Mental Health Resource List Template: This template can be used to design a mental health resource list for studies that cover topics that may be upsetting to participants.


Deed of Gift Template: This can be used to determine if participants are willing to have their research materials (including audio and video) gathered, used for research, or shared beyond the research project. If you plan to donate materials to an archive, you will need this template.

Participant Photo Release: This release template is used for photographs taken by a participant.

Subject Waiver Release Template: This release template is used for photographs of participants taken by the researcher.


Faculty Assurance Form: This form needs to be submitted to ORS by faculty who intended to have their students conduct research as part of a class learning experience. (See here [link to ‘Is IRB review required?’ page] for more information)

Not Human Subjects Research Determination From: If you aren’t sure if your project meets the definition of human subjects research (and therefore needs to be reviewed by the IRB), this form can help. If you need a formal letter from the IRB stating that your project is not human subjects research, submit the completed form to ORS.