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Identification Policies

Fraud & Identification Policies

Commonly referenced policies pertaining to use of personal identification are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to the Community Standards.

Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Dishonesty, including Fake IDs

201(10) Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Dishonesty (B or C)
Loyola students are held to the highest standards of integrity and truthfulness. The following conduct is strictly prohibited:

a. Knowingly submitting or providing false information to the University or any University official (B)

b. Falsification, alteration, forgery, or misuse of University records, documents, or other materials pertaining to the University, including electronic records (C)

c. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning, or threat of fire or other emergency; or filing a false report of alleged misconduct in bad faith (e.g. activating emergency call buttons or other alarm systems) (C)

d. Use, possession, manufacture, sale, transfer, or distribution of false or fraudulent identification (“fake IDs”), including possessing or using another individual’s identification or modifying an otherwise valid identification under circumstances indicating fraudulent intent (B or C)

Student ID Misuse

201(14) Identification (Campus Card) Non-possession and Misuse (A)
To ensure the safety of the University community, every registered student is required to carry a University identification card (“student ID” or “Campus Card”) at all times while on-campus, unless the ID is being held at a residence hall security desk while the student is checked in as a guest. Student IDs are issued to individual students and are non-transferable. Permitting another to use one’s own student ID is also a violation, and when used fraudulently may also constitute a violation under §201(10) Fraud, Misrepresentation, and Dishonesty.

Commonly referenced policies pertaining to use of personal identification are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to the Community Standards.