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Physical or Emotional Harm

Physical or Emotional Harm

Commonly referenced policies pertaining to physical or emotional harm are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to the Community Standards.

Abusive Conduct

201(1) Abusive Conduct (B or C)
Abusive conduct is strictly prohibited. Abusive conduct includes any intentional conduct that inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm or severe emotional harm upon any person, any reckless action that could result in bodily harm, and any action that would reasonably cause another to be fearful that their health or safety is in immediate danger. Using or attempting to use alcohol or other drugs intentionally to incapacitate another individual is also considered abusive conduct. 

When a student harms or attempts to harm oneself, the student may be required to meet with a representative of the Office of the Dean of Students and/or Behavioral Concerns Team to determine the most appropriate course of action.

Harassment and Bullying

201(12) Harassment and Bullying (B or C)
Ours is a community of care, where all people are to be treated with dignity and respect. Members of our University community are expected to demonstrate concern for the welfare of others, to consider the impact (whether direct or indirect) of their behavior on others, and to act in a manner that minimizes harm.

Accordingly, harassment and bullying (as defined in §101(18) and §101(6), respectively) are strictly prohibited at Loyola University Chicago. Both harassment and bullying may be verbal, physical, or psychological and may occur through electronic means (i.e. cyber bullying). 

Harassment and bullying can occur through one severe, isolated incident or through a pattern of repeated incidents. Such actions are unwelcome and pose a risk to the health and safety of the University community. Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless serious and pervasive) will not rise to the level of a policy violation.


201(18) Retaliation (B)
All members of the University community have a right to bring forth information that helps support an environment of safety and support. Accordingly, any act of retaliation taken against another is a serious violation of University policy.

Retaliation is defined as any adverse action (including but not limited to retaliatory harassment, threats, vandalism, or other harmful behavior) taken against a person participating in a protected activity because of their participation in the protected activity. Retaliation against an individual for reporting an incident, supporting an affected party, or otherwise participating in the student conduct process is a serious violation.

Alleged retaliation should be reported immediately to Campus Safety, the SRCR Team, the Office for Equity & Compliance, or another University resource and will be promptly addressed.

Commonly referenced policies pertaining to physical or emotional harm are listed below. For a complete list, please refer to the Community Standards.