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Title IX Notification and Sexual Misconduct Under the Comprehensive Policy

Title IX Notification and Sexual Misconduct Under the Comprehensive Policy

Loyola University Chicago does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that the University operates, and is required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and 34 CFR Part 106 (collectively referred to as “Title IX”) not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement extends to admission and employment.

The University’s Title IX policies are published within the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures for Addressing Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation (“Comprehensive Policy”), which includes information and instructions on how to submit a report or file a formal complaint of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX at Loyola can be directed internally to the Title IX Coordinator and/or externally to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the United States Department of Education.

The Title IX Coordinator for Loyola University Chicago is the Executive Director for Equity & Compliance, in the Office for Equity & Compliance. Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, by using the online reporting form (powered by Maxient™), or in person, by mail, by telephone, or by email, using the contact information listed below.

Attn: Title IX Coordinator
Loyola University Chicago Office for Equity & Compliance
Granada Center Suite 403
Chicago, IL 60626
(773) 508-7766

Such a report may be made at any time, including during non-business hours, by using the online reporting form (powered by Maxient™), telephone number, or email provided above.

Inquiries may be made externally to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100
(800) 421-3481
TDD (877) 521-2172

OCR Chicago Office
U.S. Department of Education
Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison St., Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661-4544
(312) 730-1560

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Chicago District Office
JCK Federal Building,
230 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60604
(800) 669-4000
ASL Video Phone: (844) 234-5122

Loyola is fully compliant with Title IX and related laws and regulations, but considers them to be a minimum standard for ensuring a safe and inclusive University environment. Accordingly, Loyola reserves the right to address any allegation of sexual misconduct (including non-consensual sexual penetration, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, intimate partner and/or domestic violence, and stalking), even if the alleged conduct does not meet the definitional and jurisdictional requirements for Title IX sexual harassment, or if the conduct occurs off campus.

To raise any concern or conflict of interest regarding the Title IX Coordinator, or to report any misconduct or discrimination committed by the Title IX Coordinator, contact the Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer ("Chief Human Resource Officer") at (312) 915-6175 or HR-WTC@luc.edu. For all other concerns related to Title IX and/or sexual misconduct, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

Loyola University Chicago does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that the University operates, and is required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and 34 CFR Part 106 (collectively referred to as “Title IX”) not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement extends to admission and employment.

The University’s Title IX policies are published within the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures for Addressing Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation (“Comprehensive Policy”), which includes information and instructions on how to submit a report or file a formal complaint of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX at Loyola can be directed internally to the Title IX Coordinator and/or externally to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the United States Department of Education.

The Title IX Coordinator for Loyola University Chicago is the Executive Director for Equity & Compliance, in the Office for Equity & Compliance. Any person may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, by using the online reporting form (powered by Maxient™), or in person, by mail, by telephone, or by email, using the contact information listed below.

Attn: Title IX Coordinator
Loyola University Chicago Office for Equity & Compliance
Granada Center Suite 403
Chicago, IL 60626
(773) 508-7766

Such a report may be made at any time, including during non-business hours, by using the online reporting form (powered by Maxient™), telephone number, or email provided above.

Inquiries may be made externally to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100
(800) 421-3481
TDD (877) 521-2172

OCR Chicago Office
U.S. Department of Education
Citigroup Center
500 W. Madison St., Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661-4544
(312) 730-1560

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Chicago District Office
JCK Federal Building,
230 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60604
(800) 669-4000
ASL Video Phone: (844) 234-5122

Loyola is fully compliant with Title IX and related laws and regulations, but considers them to be a minimum standard for ensuring a safe and inclusive University environment. Accordingly, Loyola reserves the right to address any allegation of sexual misconduct (including non-consensual sexual penetration, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, intimate partner and/or domestic violence, and stalking), even if the alleged conduct does not meet the definitional and jurisdictional requirements for Title IX sexual harassment, or if the conduct occurs off campus.

To raise any concern or conflict of interest regarding the Title IX Coordinator, or to report any misconduct or discrimination committed by the Title IX Coordinator, contact the Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer ("Chief Human Resource Officer") at (312) 915-6175 or HR-WTC@luc.edu. For all other concerns related to Title IX and/or sexual misconduct, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.