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Completing Service Hours

Completing Service Hours

Potential opportunities within Loyola

Athletics Dylan Swope (dswope@luc.edu
Admissions Adam Schilling (aschilling2@luc.edu
Advancement (annualgiving@luc.edu
Campus Ministry (ministry@luc.edu
Career Services (careercenter@luc.edu)
Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching & Scholarship (celts@luc.edu
Neighborhood Initiatives Cecilia Rodriguez (crodriguez8@luc.edu)
School of Environmental Sustainability (SES@luc.edu
Loyola University Museum of Art


Residence Life


Student Accessibility Center (sac@luc.edu)
Center for Student Engagement (activities@luc.edu
Student Complexes

Joe Kvoriak (jkvoriak@luc.edu

Center for Diversity & Inclusion (diversity@luc.edu

Potential opportunities locally, outside of Loyola


PAWS Chicago

Complete an application to attend a New Volunteer Orientation, and email volunteers@pawschicago.org with volunteer inquiries.

College Access

Chicago Scholars

Complete a volunteer information form.

With questions, email Dirrick - dbutler@chicagoscholars.org 

Food/Hunger A Just Harvest

Email to schedule:


  Rogers Park Food Co-op

Email to schedule:


  Inspiration Cafe

Complete an online application to attend an orientation session.


Sarah's Circle

Volunteer opportunities are summarized here.

Individuals with developmental disabilities

Misericordia Home

Email to schedule:

Mary - marydo@misericordia.com 
Theresa - theresar@misericordia.com 


Orchard Villiage

To discuss upcoming opportunities, email:

Erika - erika_vavrik@orchardvillage.org 


Howard Brown Health

Orientation, background check, and online training required.

Email to schedule:

April - aprilg@howardbrown.org 

Above, you can find a list of potential contacts for scheduling your assigned Restorative Service Hours. It is imperative that you remain professional and courteous at all times when corresponding or communicating with staff. You are not limited to this list, and can identify your own service sites if you prefer.

Please remember it is your responsibility to schedule/complete your hours by the listed deadline in your conduct decision letter and to complete the follow up Restorative Service Hours Reflection Form. The form also collects your site supervisor’s name(s) and contact information so the SRCR Team can confirm the completion and quality of your service hours.

Please note! DO NOT count service hours in which:

  • A parent or family member supervised you at the community service site
  • You were compensated for your work (financially or for some kind of credit), or were required to provide the service for some other reason

Some examples of typical sites:

  • Religious organizations
  • Local Town Libraries or Park/Recreation Departments
  • Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Animal Shelters
  • High School Tutoring or Youth Sports Programs
  • Special Fundraising Events i.e.: fundraiser walks or other charity functions

Above, you can find a list of potential contacts for scheduling your assigned Restorative Service Hours. It is imperative that you remain professional and courteous at all times when corresponding or communicating with staff. You are not limited to this list, and can identify your own service sites if you prefer.

Please remember it is your responsibility to schedule/complete your hours by the listed deadline in your conduct decision letter and to complete the follow up Restorative Service Hours Reflection Form. The form also collects your site supervisor’s name(s) and contact information so the SRCR Team can confirm the completion and quality of your service hours.

Please note! DO NOT count service hours in which:

  • A parent or family member supervised you at the community service site
  • You were compensated for your work (financially or for some kind of credit), or were required to provide the service for some other reason

Some examples of typical sites:

  • Religious organizations
  • Local Town Libraries or Park/Recreation Departments
  • Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Animal Shelters
  • High School Tutoring or Youth Sports Programs
  • Special Fundraising Events i.e.: fundraiser walks or other charity functions