Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Office of the Dean of Students | Division of Student Development Student Rights, Responsibilities & Conflict Resolution

Demonstrations & Fixed Exhibits

Demonstrations & Fixed Exhibit Request Form

“As an institution committed to higher education in the Jesuit tradition, Loyola University Chicago recognizes the importance of its role as a marketplace of ideas, where freedom of inquiry and open exchange of conflicting viewpoints is supported and encouraged. Such discourse supported by reasoned arguments and factual evidence is essential for the University to uphold the Jesuit mission of 'service of faith and promotion of justice.'" (Community Standards §603, revised 8/22/2024)

To help you plan and execute your demonstration or fixed exhibit, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following guidelines. For detailed information on Loyola's policies and procedures, please review the Demonstration & Fixed Policy section of the Community Standards

How do I host a Demonstration or Fixed Exhibit?

Registration is required. Individual students or recognized student organizations (as defined in §101(31) of the Community Standards) intending to organize a demonstration are required to notify the Office of the Dean of Students (“ODOS”) at least three business days before the demonstration by completing the Demonstration and Fixed Exhibit Registration Form (Please note that you must authenticate using your Loyola single sign-on (SSO) in order to complete this form). Upon receiving notification, a representative of the ODOS will provide verification to the Student Demonstration Leader about whether the demonstration may occur or not, and also offer to meet with the Student Demonstration Leader or their designee to provide appropriate support and resources to mitigate risk and protect participants’ rights. This meeting is not an attempt by the University to censor or otherwise limit content or viewpoint, but rather to advise organizers regarding applicable standards for time, place, and manner.

Why are there University staff and Campus Safety officers in attendance?

Welcome University personnel. University personnel, typically representatives from the Division of Student Development and/or Campus Safety officers, may be present during demonstrations involving our University community. Their presence is intended to ensure that participants’ rights are protected, that the University’s regular operations are not interrupted, and that the campus community remains safe. It is important to note that the presence of University staff does not indicate an endorsement of the viewpoints being expressed, nor does it suggest that the University is concerned about or planning to interrupt the demonstration.

How will we know if we are being too loud?

Avoid disruption. We understand that demonstrations can become noisy; however, it is essential for participants and organizers to respect the academic environment of the campus at all times. Amplified sound or other loud noises may not substantially interfere with classes or other events taking place. Whether or not a demonstration "substantially interferes" will be determined by authorized campus personnel. If both (a) the University receives a complaint about a demonstration, and (b) the complaint seems objectively reasonable, then the demonstration may be stopped or interrupted. Additionally, participants or organizers may later be subject to the student conduct process.

What should I do if others counter-protest or confront demonstrators?

Disagree with civility. During a demonstration, your viewpoints or opinions may invite or elicit a response from others, including counter-demonstrators or passersby. In all circumstances the right of others to personal expression must also be respected. Maintaining peace and order is particularly important in these situations to foster a campus environment that welcomes diverse perspectives. The responsibility for maintaining peace and order rests with participants, organizers, and sponsors. If you need assistance in de-escalating a situation, please reach out to Campus Safety at 773.508.SAFE (7233) for support.

Who will be responsible if things go wrong?

Maintaining order is a community responsibility. Organizers, sponsors, and participants may be held accountable for violations of the Community Standards. Which party or parties are held responsible will be based on the particular circumstances of the incident.

How does the University address news and other media who show up?

We’re here to help. The Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) partners with University Marketing and Communication (UMC) to ensure that media have reasonable access to demonstrations. We also assist in identifying appropriate individuals to speak on behalf of the Student Demonstration Leader (individual or recognized student organization) or the University. This is one of the logistical considerations discussed during meeting with the ODOS regarding upcoming demonstration.

What other policies do I need to know about?

Inform yourself. Please remember that the University reserves the right to stop or limit demonstrations or fixed exhibits that are unlawful or violate other policies in the Community Standards. Organizers should particularly familiarize themselves with related policies that could impact the success of their demonstration, including but not limited to the following (all of which can be found in the Community Standards): 

  • §201(5) Disruptive and Disorderly Conduct
  • §201(7) Facility Use and Access
  • §201(8) Failure to Comply
  • §201(12) Harassment and Bullying

What other things should I do to prepare for a fixed exhibit meeting?

Consider all stakeholders' needs. After submitting the Demonstration and Fixed Exhibit Form, a member of the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) will contact you to discuss your plans for the fixed exhibit. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the needs of various campus partners are met.

Consider the following questions as you prepare:

  • Are there any other large events that may conflict with the exhibit?
  • Could the exhibit interfere with sprinklers or other facility needs?
  • How will the exhibit be stored overnight?
  • How safe is the exhibit?

These questions and more will be addressed by the ODOS on behalf of offices such as Campus Reservations, Facilities, Residence Life, and Campus Safety. Please approach the discussion with an open mind, and remember that the ODOS is committed to reviewing proposals based solely on logistical considerations, without regard to the content or viewpoints expressed (unless unlawful or in clear violation of the Community Standards).

“As an institution committed to higher education in the Jesuit tradition, Loyola University Chicago recognizes the importance of its role as a marketplace of ideas, where freedom of inquiry and open exchange of conflicting viewpoints is supported and encouraged. Such discourse supported by reasoned arguments and factual evidence is essential for the University to uphold the Jesuit mission of 'service of faith and promotion of justice.'" (Community Standards §603, revised 8/22/2024)

To help you plan and execute your demonstration or fixed exhibit, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following guidelines. For detailed information on Loyola's policies and procedures, please review the Demonstration & Fixed Policy section of the Community Standards