Michael F. Andrews, PhD Associate Professor Crown Center 347 773.508.2309
mandrews5@luc.edu Dimitris Apostolopoulos, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 346 773.508.3344
dapostolopoulos@luc.edu Mario Attie-Picker, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 369 773.508.2739
mattie@luc.edu Peter Bergeron, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 549 773.508.7377
pberger@luc.edu Alberto Bertozzi, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 462 773.508.2303
abertoz@luc.edu Andrew Cutrofello, PhD Professor Crown Center 333 773.508.8481
acutrof@luc.edu Thomas J. Derdak, PhD Senior Lecturer Crown Center 469 773.508.2344
tderdak@luc.edu Matthew Dunch, SJ, DPhil Assistant Professor Crown Center 364 773.508.2306
mdunch@luc.edu Blake D. Dutton, PhD Professor Crown Center 349 773.508.2214
bdutton@luc.edu Eyo Ewara, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 365 773.508.2307
eewara@luc.edu Jeffrey Fisher, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 464 773.508.3477
jfisher8@luc.edu Naomi Fisher, PhD Associate Professor Crown Center 335 773.508.2735
nfisher1@luc.edu Jennifer Gaffney, PhD Associate Professor; Graduate Program Director Crown Center 358 708.508.2727
jgaffney@luc.edu Joy Gordon, JD, PhD Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Professor of Social Ethics Crown Center 351 773-508-2295
cgordon3@luc.edu Peter Hartman, PhD Associate Professor Crown Center 363 773.508.8479
phartman@luc.edu Elizabeth Hoppe, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 350 773.508.8348
ehoppe@luc.edu David B. Ingram, PhD Professor Crown Center 375 773.508.2299
dingram@luc.edu Kristen Irwin, PhD Associate Professor; Undergraduate Program Director Crown Center 345 773.508.2320
kirwin@luc.edu Richard Kim, PhD Associate Professor Crown Center 551 773.508.2301
rkim7@luc.edu Marcella Linn, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 352 773.508.2743
mlinn1@luc.edu Jesús Luzardo, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 362 708.508.2324
jluzardo@luc.edu Joshua Mendelsohn, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 377 773.508.2738
jmendelsohn@luc.edu Freya Möbus, PhD Assistant Professor Crown Center 343 773.508.2296
fmobus@luc.edu Brandon Morgan-Olsen, PhD Senior Lecturer Crown Center 341 773.508.8572
bmorganolsen@luc.edu Seyed N. Mousavian, PhD - on leave Fall 2024 Assistant Professor Crown Center 360 773.508.2262
smousavian@luc.edu James Murphy, S.J., PhD Associate Professor Crown Center 460 773.508.2280
jmurphy7@luc.edu Johanna Oksala, PhD Arthur J. Schmitt Professor of Philosophy Crown Center 331 773-508-2378
joksala@luc.edu Paul Ott, PhD Advanced Lecturer Crown Center 353 773.508.2327
pott1@luc.edu Michael Paradiso-Michau, PhD Instructor Crown Center 460 773.508.2280
mparadisomichau@luc.edu Jennifer Parks, PhD Professor; Bioethics Minor Director Crown Center 337 773.508.2308
jparks1@luc.edu Vincent J. Samar, PhD, LLM, JD, MPA Advanced Lecturer Crown Center 352 773.508.2743
vsamar@luc.edu Jacqueline Scott, PhD Department Chairperson; Associate Professor Crown Center 373 773.508.2304
jscott6@luc.edu Amy Shuffelton, PhD Professor Crown Center 355 773.508.2733
ashuffe@luc.edu Avery Smith, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 367 773.508.2297
asmith55@luc.edu Katherine Valde, PhD Lecturer Crown Center 344 773.508.2282
kvalde@luc.edu Arnold vander Nat, PhD - on leave Fall 2024 Associate Professor Crown Center 361 773.508.2733
avande1@luc.edu Joseph M. Vukov, PhD Associate Professor; Associate Director, The Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage Cuneo 419 773-508-3820