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Carere, Mario

Title/s:  Adjunct Professor

Email: mcarere@luc.edu


Mario Carere is a senior researcher at the Unit Ecosystems and Health of the Italian Institute of Health (ISS), his main activities are related to science-policy aspects connected to the protection of water resources in Italy and Europe. He is currently co-chair of the Working Group Chemicals (European Commission) in the context of the Common Implementation Strategy of the EU Water Framework Directive. He has been principal investigator of European and National Projects related to the chemical contamination of aquatic ecosystems. He has published more than 150 national and international scientific articles and technical report. 


  • Laurea in Biological Sciences, University of Rome La Sapienza
  • PhD, University of Rome La Sapienza

Research Interests

  • Emerging pollutants and Mixtures in waterbodies
  • Ecotoxicology and Innovative monitoring methods
  • Climate Changes linked to water aspects