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Lodici, Claudio

Title/s:  Adjunct Professor

Email: clodici@luc.edu


Claudio Lodici teaches Political Science, offering courses on comparative government, European Union, and international relations in the age of globalization. He is coordinator of Loyola University Chicago’s Biennial Colloquy on the State of Democracy, an initiative to promote the study of the erosion of the democratic process.

He is member of the International Coalition for Democratic Renewal (ICDR), a group of intellectuals, activists, and politicians concerned with the expansion of the power and influence of authoritarian regimes and the simultaneous weakening of democratic systems.

He has also worked in the Ministries of Budget and Defense. From 1987 to 1994, he served as chief of staff to the President of the Senate. Since the 1990s, he has been Visiting Fellow of the Progressive Policy Institute, Washington, D.C., a catalyst for policy innovation which earned a reputation as President Bill Clinton's “idea mill”.


  • Laurea, Political Science, Sapienza University of Rome

Research Interests

  • Challenges to liberal democracy