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Zammar, Leila

Title/s:  Adjunct Professor

Email: lzammar@luc.edu


Leila Zammar earned her PhD from the University of Warwick (UK) and her MA from Roma Tre University. Previously, she obtained two degrees from Sapienza University of Rome, one in Modern Languages and Literature, and one in Music History. She also studied basic elements of composition and piano at the Licino Refice College of Music near Frosinone. Among her research interests is Renaissance and Baroque theatre: she is a member of the Society for European Festival Research and is on the editorial board of the journal Arti dello Spettacolo (Performing Arts). She published several articles relating to this topic, and her book Opera, Scenography and Power is forthcoming from Brepols. Among her other publications are a book about Carmen, Carmen, alcune interpretazioni: Bizet, Brook, Rosi, and a collection of poems. She is also interested in women’s studies and has published articles on this subject.


  • PhD, Renaissance Studies, University of Warwick
  • MA, Life-long Learning, Roma Tre University
  • Laurea, Modern Languages and Literature, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Laurea, History of Music, Sapienza University of Rome

Research Interests

  • Renaissance and Baroque theater
  • Women's studies