
LUC Data

Where is this data from and what does it measure?

Loyola Chicago utilizes a variety of different evaluation and assessment methods to evaluate student behaviors, perceptions, and satisfaction. In regards to measuring health behaviors, the Loyola Wellness Center administers the National College Health Assessment every two years, and also gathers alcohol data from surveys given Everfi's Alcoholedu and SAPU training, which are Loyola's required online courses for incoming students. 

Alcohol Use Statistics

This data is from the 2018 National College Health Assessment and there was a sample size of 786 undergraduates.

Note: In the chart below, perceived us refers to the percentage of students who thought that their peers are using alcohol. There is often a big gap between the % of students that we think are using alcohol, the actual number is typically a lot lower. 

Drug Use Statistics

This data is from the 2018 National College Health Assessment and there was a sample of 786 undergraduates. 


Incoming Student Data-Alcohol (Fall 2018)

Every summer, incoming students at Loyola Chicago are required to take online courses on alcohol and sexual assault prevention. The data below is from the post survey of the Alcoholedu course, and is from the incoming freshmen class in 2018. 




Why should we trust survey data?

When survey data is presented to students or in workplaces, there is a tendency for people to question the data, and there is sometimes assumptions that people do not always tell the truth on surveys. The survey data from NCHA and Everfi is overall reliable and valid as the surveys are anonymous and the school does not receive any identifying information, which means that people would not be as motivated to lie. The NCHA is conducted by experts, and they take into account possible bias and sample size issues. We recognize that data may not represent everyone as it is a random sample, but the health behavior data collected on behalf of Loyola should represent our student population on average. We use this data to inform our health education programming and meet student needs. For any questions about the survey or data collection process, pelase contact Mira Krivoshey, Assistant Director of Health Promotion, at mkrivoshey@luc.edu