
Other Drugs


E-cigarettes, especially Juul, have been increasingly popular among teens and young adults. They were originally designed as an alternative for adult smokers, but have ended up negatively impacting youth. E-cigarettes contain high amounts of nicotine, which is addictive, and also contain chemicals whose effects have not been fully measured. Rates of e-cigarette use at LUC increased from 2016-2018, as students may not perceive them to be harmful. Juul also markets heavily to youth, which is already having an impact on how early teens begin to vape. Please see below for more information on E-cigarettes. 

E-Cigarette Factsheet for Educators and Parents (CDC)

E-Cigarettes (National Institute of Drug Abuse)

Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults (CDC)

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse is sometimes referred to as the "invisible epidemic" as it can be difficult to tell if someone is abusing a drug, especially if it was prescribed to them. However, taking a prescription drug more than prescribed or taking one that is not prescribed to you can be dangerous and potentially lead to addiction. Among young adults, the most commonly abused prescription drugs are painkillers such as vicodin, and adderall, which students may use to try to stay awake or focus better. However, both of these substances can have damaging effects on a student's well-being. Vicodin and other painkillers are highly addictive and can potentially be fatal if a high dose is taken or if mixed with alcohol. Adderall has actually been showed to not enhance studying or retention, it may keep someone awake but it does not help with learning and is also addictive. 

Prescription Drug Abuse: Young People at Risk (CDC)

A Rising Epidemic on College Campuses: Prescription Drug Abuse (The Clinton Foundation)

Prescription Drug Misuse Among College Students (West Virginia University)