
Alcohol Policies

Students at Loyola are expected to follow all laws pertaining to alcohol and other drug consumption. The most important reason for this expectation is student and community safety. General Alcohol Policies (From the 2018-19 LUC Community Standards)

201(2) Alcohol (A, B, or C)
The following conduct is expressly prohibited regardless of age, except where otherwise specified:

a.     Consuming or possessing alcohol while under 21 years of age (A)
b.    Possessing an open alcohol container in public view (A)
c.    Disruptive activity due to intoxication (B)
d.    Manufacture, sale, or unauthorized distribution of alcohol (B)
e.    Public intoxication on University property or at University-sponsored events (B)
f.    Severe intoxication resulting in concern for student’s well-being (C) (Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR.) Students under the age of 21 and who are determined to be intoxicated do not have the right to refuse medical care under Illinois law.

Residence Life Alcohol Policies 

202(1) Alcohol – Residential (A or B)
Students and their guests, regardless of age, are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol when in a residence hall. Students must properly dispose of all alcohol present when asked by a University official.

The following conduct is prohibited for residents and guests who are under 21 years of age (“underage students”) in a residence hall, except where otherwise specified:
a.    Being in the presence of alcohol, unless in one’s own room/apartment when the alcohol is in the possession of a roommate who is 21 or over (A)
b.    Alcohol being stored in rooms by students over the age of 21 must be labeled if they have underage roommate(s) (A)

The following conduct is prohibited regardless of age:
c.    Consuming alcohol in a residence hall in the presence of underage students (in rooms or apartments where some residents are under 21 and others underage, residents who are 21 or over and their 21 or over guests may consume alcohol in the presence of the underage roommate; however, underage guests are not permitted to be present when alcohol is in plain view or being consumed.) (A)
d.    Possession of collections or displays of containers that contain or previously contained alcohol (e.g. empty bottles, etc.) (A)
e.    Possession of alcohol paraphernalia used for high risk drinking (beer bongs, etc.) (A)
f.    Possession of excessive amounts of alcohol (including any sized keg) as determined by a University official (B)
g.    Use or possession of alcohol in building common areas (B)

Students at Loyola are expected to follow all laws pertaining to alcohol and other drug consumption. The most important reason for this expectation is student and community safety. General Alcohol Policies (From the 2018-19 LUC Community Standards)

201(2) Alcohol (A, B, or C)
The following conduct is expressly prohibited regardless of age, except where otherwise specified:

a.     Consuming or possessing alcohol while under 21 years of age (A)
b.    Possessing an open alcohol container in public view (A)
c.    Disruptive activity due to intoxication (B)
d.    Manufacture, sale, or unauthorized distribution of alcohol (B)
e.    Public intoxication on University property or at University-sponsored events (B)
f.    Severe intoxication resulting in concern for student’s well-being (C) (Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR.) Students under the age of 21 and who are determined to be intoxicated do not have the right to refuse medical care under Illinois law.

Residence Life Alcohol Policies 

202(1) Alcohol – Residential (A or B)
Students and their guests, regardless of age, are subject to additional regulations concerning alcohol when in a residence hall. Students must properly dispose of all alcohol present when asked by a University official.

The following conduct is prohibited for residents and guests who are under 21 years of age (“underage students”) in a residence hall, except where otherwise specified:
a.    Being in the presence of alcohol, unless in one’s own room/apartment when the alcohol is in the possession of a roommate who is 21 or over (A)
b.    Alcohol being stored in rooms by students over the age of 21 must be labeled if they have underage roommate(s) (A)

The following conduct is prohibited regardless of age:
c.    Consuming alcohol in a residence hall in the presence of underage students (in rooms or apartments where some residents are under 21 and others underage, residents who are 21 or over and their 21 or over guests may consume alcohol in the presence of the underage roommate; however, underage guests are not permitted to be present when alcohol is in plain view or being consumed.) (A)
d.    Possession of collections or displays of containers that contain or previously contained alcohol (e.g. empty bottles, etc.) (A)
e.    Possession of alcohol paraphernalia used for high risk drinking (beer bongs, etc.) (A)
f.    Possession of excessive amounts of alcohol (including any sized keg) as determined by a University official (B)
g.    Use or possession of alcohol in building common areas (B)