
Cannabis and Other Drug Policies

Students at Loyola are expected to follow all laws pertaining to alcohol and other drug consumption. The most important reason for this expectation is student and community safety.

Drug policies (From the 2020-21 LUC Community Standards)

Possession, use, transfer, distribution, manufacture, or sale of illicit drugs is prohibited. Illicit drugs include both illegal drugs and legal substances used outside the directions of a valid prescription. Students may not possess any form of drug paraphernalia (any items or articles needed for, intended for, or typically associated with illicit drug use), even if the paraphernalia has never been used.

The following conduct is expressly prohibited:
a.    Being in the presence of illicit drugs (A)
b.    Possession of drug paraphernalia (A)
c.    Possession or use of illicit drugs (B)
d.    Manufacture, sale, transfer, or distribution of illicit drugs (including “sharing” or otherwise distributing prescription drugs) (C)
e.    Severe intoxication resulting in concern for student’s well-being (C) (Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR.)

Medical Cannabis: A number of states, including Illinois, have passed laws that make the use of cannabis for some medical conditions legitimate under the law of that state. However, the possession or use of cannabis remains an offense under the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law. Loyola University Chicago is obligated to comply with all federal laws and regulations. In order to remain in compliance, Loyola will not permit the possession or use of cannabis at educational or other activities sponsored, conducted, or authorized by Loyola or its student organizations, whether on or off campus, in any on-campus housing, or in any other Loyola buildings or other property.

Smoking Policy: As of Fall 2021, all Loyola University Chicago campuses are smoke and vape free. Use of these devices will be prohibited in all outdoor and indoor spaces on Loyola's campuses. For mroe on this policy, see Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy. For additional information regarding Loyola's policies, see the Loyola University Chicago Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.

Students at Loyola are expected to follow all laws pertaining to alcohol and other drug consumption. The most important reason for this expectation is student and community safety.

Drug policies (From the 2020-21 LUC Community Standards)

Possession, use, transfer, distribution, manufacture, or sale of illicit drugs is prohibited. Illicit drugs include both illegal drugs and legal substances used outside the directions of a valid prescription. Students may not possess any form of drug paraphernalia (any items or articles needed for, intended for, or typically associated with illicit drug use), even if the paraphernalia has never been used.

The following conduct is expressly prohibited:
a.    Being in the presence of illicit drugs (A)
b.    Possession of drug paraphernalia (A)
c.    Possession or use of illicit drugs (B)
d.    Manufacture, sale, transfer, or distribution of illicit drugs (including “sharing” or otherwise distributing prescription drugs) (C)
e.    Severe intoxication resulting in concern for student’s well-being (C) (Degree of intoxication constituting “of concern” is at the reasonable discretion of the OSCCR.)

Medical Cannabis: A number of states, including Illinois, have passed laws that make the use of cannabis for some medical conditions legitimate under the law of that state. However, the possession or use of cannabis remains an offense under the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law. Loyola University Chicago is obligated to comply with all federal laws and regulations. In order to remain in compliance, Loyola will not permit the possession or use of cannabis at educational or other activities sponsored, conducted, or authorized by Loyola or its student organizations, whether on or off campus, in any on-campus housing, or in any other Loyola buildings or other property.

Smoking Policy: As of Fall 2021, all Loyola University Chicago campuses are smoke and vape free. Use of these devices will be prohibited in all outdoor and indoor spaces on Loyola's campuses. For mroe on this policy, see Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus Policy. For additional information regarding Loyola's policies, see the Loyola University Chicago Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy.