
Student: Michael Marino

Name: Michael Marino
Year in School: Junior
Major: Biology

Name: Michael Marino
Year in School: Junior
Major: Biology

Where are you from?

Chargin Falls, Ohio

What do you like to do?

In my free time, I enjoy fishing and golf! In addition, I love going to the movies with my friends and exploring new parts of Chicago.

How are (or have you been) you involved in Community Service & Action?

I am currently a volunteer leader for CSA's soup kitchen program. Every Friday my co-leader and I take a group of Loyola students to the St. Thomas of Canterbury Soup Kitchen to feed Chicago's underserved population.

Why do you engage in service and action?

Being involved with CSA has given me sense of belonging here at Loyola. I've met many good friends and had countless memorable experiences while serving at the soup kitchen. In addition, I think part of having a Jesuit education entails balancing academic work with service to the community. In doing so, I hope to learn more about how I can use my talents to better serve those around me.

What is one of your favorite stories from your experiences of involvement with service and action?

One of my favorite memories while working at the soup kitchen is when me and former co-leader were invited to dinner at the rectory with some veteran volunteers. It was very heartwarming to be invited to share a meal with such fantastic community and the experience made me feel appreciation for the work I do.

How do you envision living out our mission of building the greater good past your time at Loyola?

I intend on living out CSA's mission by incorporating the values CSA has taught me into my work as a dentist.

How are you involved at Loyola outside of CSA?

I am co-president of Pre-Dental Association, a member of the NSCS, and I am a member of Loyola's CLC.

What is your favorite place on campus?


What advice would you give to an in-coming student at Loyola?

Always remember to care for yourself! School is important but always remember to take some time for yourself and hang out with friends!