Loyola University Chicago

School of Social Work

Graduate Courses

SOWK 681: Advanced Mezzo & Macro Practice


This course will focus on integrated practice approaches that span the micro (e.g., individuals/families/groups), mezzo (e.g., communities), and macro (e.g., systems, societal) frameworks.

This course will emphasize the importance of integrated practice efforts regardless of specialization, concentration, licensure, fieldwork, or post-graduate practice intentions and experiences. Theories and models to be examined throughout the semester will include (but are not limited to): person in environment perspective, strength perspective, systems theory, family theory, critical race theory, organizational theory, and theories related to community change, among others. The course will also explore the role of the social work profession in creating social and organizational change, as well as the important impact of interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaborative efforts.


SOWK 681 Syllabus