July 2016
Department/School/Division: Capital Planning
Campus: Lake Shore Campus
Years at Loyola: Two years in November as an employee
What is your favorite thing about working at Loyola?
I really enjoy working with the student staff, especially during the summer. My favorite thing is not only building relationships with them, but also witnessing the relationships the students build with each other. It’s really special to watch them create these bonds and work together toward a common goal.
What is your most memorable achievement as a Loyola employee?
Last year was my first Conference Services’ summer (aka, our busy season), and I was worried about how I was going to get through it. While it was really busy, it was also really exciting and fun at times. I learned so much, and I was able to use my experiences from last summer to improve our operations for this summer.
What does Loyola's mission mean to you?
Loyola’s mission challenges me daily to improve myself and the lives’ of others to the best of my capabilities. The mission encourages me to be a “forever student” who’s always learning and taking a proactive and positive approach to life.
What motivates you to succeed each and every day?
I feel motivated to help our guests have a great experience on campus. Conference Services has a year-round hotel in Baumhart Hall, so I spend a lot of time helping guests make reservations, and, when asked, I give them advice about their trip to Chicago. (As a side note, I’ve noticed that many Loyola employees don’t know about our hotel. If you ever want a tour, please feel free to reach out to me!)
I’m also motivated to do my best to make sure the student staff use their positions with Conference Services as a learning experience. The students learn a lot working with us—how to communicate to clients, how to write proper e-mail, what it means to be on a team, etc. I like to go home knowing that I did the best I could to teach someone something new or help someone solve a problem.
Tell us something most people at Loyola would be surprised to know about you.
I’m a Loyola graduate (B.S. ‘09), and I was also married at Madonna della Strada and hosted my wedding reception here in the summer of 2014. Looking back to when I was a student here, I never would have guessed how big of an influence Loyola would have on my life.
Tell us how you show your Rambler pride.
I still have my first Loyola T-shirt I received during my freshman orientation in 2005 (I’m very nostalgic so I’m having trouble getting rid of it.). Since then my Loyola clothing collection has grown significantly, as has my husband’s (also a Loyola graduate).