
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I attended a CME activity last week, but I forgot to record my attendance. Can I still get CME credit?

Yes. Activity codes remain active for 30 days, so you have 1 month after the activity ate to record your attendance.

I recorded my attendance through text, why don’t I see my attendance recorded in CME Tracker?

Where can I see my CME credit for 2023?

Your CME credit is recorded through CME Tracker. To obtain a report of your credits, follow these steps:  

  1. Sign into your CME Tracker portal HERE
  2. Click on the magenta ‘Credit Transcript & Past Certificates’ tile
  3. Enter a date range
  4. Click the yellow Submit button
  5. It may take up to a minute for the transcript to download. Look for the message letting you know your file is download, it will appear at the bottom of your screen. Please note, you may need to enable pop-ups.
  6. Click on the downloaded file to view your credit transcript

How do I see what CME activities you offer?

I am trying to access CME tracker but I am getting an error message, what should I do?

If you get an error message when trying to access CME Tracker, please contact the CME department: Ph# 708.216.5317 or by emailing cme@luc.edu.

Does the speaker and the activity director need to sign the speaker disclosure?

The activity director only needs to review and sign the speaker disclosure if the speaker has something to disclose.

How will I know if a speaker has a disclosure on file?

The CME department keeps track of speaker disclosures. Feel free to reach out at any time if you are unsure if a speaker has submitted a disclosure in the past 24 months.

Who do I contact for booking event space for a CME event?


Name: Kaitlynn Philbin, kphilbin@luc.edu
Name: Judy Sunvold, jsunvol@luc.edu

Additional helpful contacts when planning a CME event:

SSOM IT (for AV needs):

Kathy Chavez Dominik, Manager of Classroom Technology Services (CTS), kchavez@luc.edu

Handcut Foods


Name: Denise Tochimani, dtochimanil@luc.edu

You will need to submit a list of your attendees to at least 72 hours in advance to Campus Safety, Tim Cunningham at Tcunni1@luc.edu.  Please include all guests to include internal.  If there is anyone who should not gain entrance to your event, this should also be indicated.  

You are required to have someone from your event to help get the external guests through the gates. Especially during the first hour of the event, when it is generally the busiest.  This person should be between the door and the gates.

If you have any issues with gate access or needing the buildings open, etc.  You should call 773-508-SAFE (7233).   

Any issues that pertain to rooms setups should be directed to housekeeping. 

Plumbing, lighting, and heat, etc. should be directed to Facilities: Rick Wydra – 708.216.3382. However, if it’s the weekend, please contact Campus Safety at 773.508.6039. 

Parking goes through Trinity; this includes drop-offs, etc. The Parking office contact is John Paulus, jopaulus@lumc.edu

How do I get to the Health Science Campus?

For a campus map, directions, and parking information, see the campus map here: Health Science Campus Map and Directions

View 2023_Local_Accommodations within a 30 minute drive of the Stritch School of Medicine.